Playing Robin

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The alarm clock woke me up from a dream I really didn't want to wake up from, but it was finally work day. It was five thirty and already too sleepy, I put my slippers on and walked towards the closet to pick an outfit, then I took my towel and headed up to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth, and took a warm shower. Obviously with this new hairstyle I had to put on my hair a couple of treatments, so it took me more time to get out of the shower. When I was finished, I put some other hair cream and put my clothes on, a white baggy three quarters rolled sleeve top, black jeans, a pair of vans, and I took a tribal print sweater for later. I dried and brushed my hair and did nothing more than that for the hairstylists to work on it for Robin's look.

I went on my car to the studio. We were starting shooting at eight, and I arrived at six forty, but I had to go with my hairstylist, and we were also going to have a little rehearsal before. When I was in my dressing room trailer I realized I didn't take my breakfast, but right when I was going to open the door my hairstylist was coming in.

"Hey! Were you going somewhere?" He said smiling.

"Oh! Not really, I mean I didn't take my breakfast at home! I was—"

"Oh, don't worry! C'mon I'll go with you," he interrupted me knowing where I was going as this has already happened before. I've come late a couple of times, or just right on time, and if it's not so much work he has to do then he goes with me to the closest Starbucks, "by the way, it looks perfect!" He said smiling at me while he was touching my hair.

"Yes! Thanks! I was way too nervous but it turned out good!"

"I bet it was an awfully great experience!"

We talked about my hair all the way to Starbucks. I ordered a Hot Chocolate and a pastry to go, and we went back to the trailer so he could work on my hair and make-up while I ate my breakfast. After it was ready, we got called to the studio for the general rehearsal.

I was entering in the studio when I heard Cameron calling my name. I was a little nervous as I was two minutes late, but luckily all he wanted was to check how the hairstyle looked. Everybody loved it, and I got lots of looks of surprise from the crew.

"Alright, guys! So... Scene 31 from the top!" Cameron said and Logan and I started with this scene.

"Rob! Wait..." Joel, Logan's character, stopped me grabbing my hand.


"Why are you leaving?" He said sweetly, "stay, stay here with me!"

"No, I can't! This place is not enough for me. Running away doesn't seem fun anymore," I said looking to the ground.

"Then, what are you doing? Where are you going? I'll follow you! I'll go with you."

"No, you can't!" I looked up, "I'm sorry!" I started to walk away.

"Robin! Robin! Robin, please!" He was shouting, "I though you said people are stupid for doing this!"

"Well they're also stupid for bearing with too much crap from others for too long!" I turned around and shout out at him too.

"Oh I see! All right, all right... then that's what this has being to you all this time, nice! Walk away then!"
I didn't say more, I just turned around and kept walking.

We continued with the rehearsal until it was time to shoot the scenes of the day. After we finished some of the scenes, we got our lunch time and James, Kendall, and Logan were coming to have lunch with us at the Hard Rock Cafe. I was waiting for them outside. I changed my character's outfit of course because I'm really clumsy when I eat, and walk, and at pretty much everything... so anyway, I was there waiting while my co-stars were inside saving us a spot.

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