You Were Right

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It has almost been a week since I came back home, and I can't have enough time to rest as I've been so busy. I had to fly to New York almost right when I arrived because the TV show I'll be guest starring on is going to be filmed there. Demi and I came together as we both have lots of things to do here in New York and we're staying in the same hotel, just right next to each other. We would've stayed in the same room, but our schedules are so different we didn't want to bother the other by waking up at different hours.

"(Y/N)! Hey! Were you falling asleep?" Demi asked waking me up.

"Oh sorry! Sorry!"

"Do you need to take a nap?" She asked.

"More like a cursed beauty sleep for a hundred years until my true love wakes me up with a kiss," I said almost mumbling, making Demi laugh.

"Kendall is just coming in a week!" She said smiling.

"Well then he's not my true love," I said joking, and we both laughed.

"I can't believe how cute it all turned out. You guys are so perfect together, Kendall's the best! Oh and by the way... about that interview you have tonight with Jimmy, just stay calm. He's crazy, but you'll have a great night, and if he asks about you and Kendall just answer whatever you want to say. It's okay if you don't want people to know yet!"

"Thank you! He's definitely insane, but I can handle crazy!" We laughed, "you know, I've already been asked about what's going on with Kendall before, but the difference is that back then there was nothing going on between us, so it was easy to deny it. I'm awful at lying, and I don't even want to lie... I'm just scared. I'm afraid of all the comments and things everyone will say 'cause it's too overwhelming."

"Awe sweetie! You don't have to worry. Don't give a fuck about what people will say. You look so happy, and you can't let them take that away from you. It's your happiness, and they just shouldn't care. Of course there will be comments, but that's all they are, and you already know paps, they will hunt you down, but you just have to ignore them politely."

"They sure will, but you're right!" I smiled, "I don't know why I worry this much!"

"It's okay! You'll do great tonight!"

I was too tired, so Demi let me take a nap before I had to get ready for Jimmy Fallon's show. The nap helped me get enough energy to do the show.

I was in the dressing room, and my makeup artist was doing some last touches over my eyes.

"You are more than ready (y/n)!" He clapped his hands three times, "you look b-e-a-utiful!" He loves Bruce Almighty, so he loves to say that word that way. He nails it actually.

"Thanks, Ike!" I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, "you're the best!"

"Oh I almost forgot!" Ike ran into the other room where I changed into the clothes I'm wearing now, a simple bagy white mini dress, anckle black boots, a thin black belt around my waist, and some cool edgy gold and black rings, "open this," he gave me a suit bag.

"Oh my God! It's perfect! I love it, I love you!" I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, "jeez I don't know why I'm getting so excited! This jacket is just so beautiful, and it might also be how nervous I am!" We laughed.

"I knew you would love it! Marina was going to send you a black one, but then we saw this one and I convinced her that it was so much better to give this outfit a little bit more of color. This golden like jacket is perfect, and well at the end it has this awesone edgy black design all over it, so we all win!" We giggled.

"You couldn't be more right! It makes all the outfit look edgy and with a little rock star look!"

"Hello!" I heard Jimmy's voice, so I turned around.

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