Like Kissing While Drunk

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Three days later after the world premiere, I was traveling to New York for the premiere we were having there. I personally love New York as I lived there for a while. I had a great time acting in some plays off-Broadway. After NY's premiere we had the last one in Mexico. I can't believe it all ended, no more premieres, no more filming, no more time with my co-stars who actually became my friends. I literally enjoyed that last after party, and the after-after party we had the last day we stayed in Mexico, it was such a good experience.

Now I have a new big project coming. It might be too soon, but this is the right time to do it, so I've been spending more time with Kendall than usual. Actually things are slowly changing. We sometimes flirt a little bit too much, it feels like a little game we got used to.

The show I was a guest star in is coming out. Kendall had never seen it before, so I made him watch the previous seasons so he could understand; they were just three and we watched them in a week. He actually liked it.

"Kendo! C'mon!" I shouted at him.

"What?" I heard him coming, "did it start already?"

"No!" I laughed, "look it's you!" I pointed at the t.v. screen.

"Oh (Y/N)! I'm trying not to burn the pop corn! Last time I really screwed them up! I'll be right back!" He went to the kitchen laughing. A few minutes later he came with two bowls of pop corn, "they're perfect! Look!"

"Yeah! Now sit down before you miss it!" I grabbed his wrist just around where he has his tattoo.

"Okay! So—"

"Oh! Don't you start making questions! You already know what's going on! And if it is about my character, you'll have to find out."

"Fine!" He laughed.

The show started, and I'm still not used to watch myself on the screen, it's just so weird.

"Oh look it's you!" Kendall said.

"Yeah! This is so... so weird!"

"What? I like your character so far!"

"Oh no, no! You know... it's weird to see me there... it's one of my favorite shows ever, and it's kinda weird that I'm there. It's like if I was always there and I'm not me... do you... get me?" I giggled.

"No!" He laughed, "I didn't get what you said, but I guess I know what you mean! Come here..." he put his arm around me and pulled me close, "let's just watch the show," he said smiling at me.

"All right!" I smiled.

We finished watching the show, and we wanted to continue working on a couple of things we were doing before, but it was too late already.

"So what, what do you want to do?" Kendall asked me.

"I don't know! I'm kind of tired."

"Do you want me to take you home?" He asked and I hesitated, "you can stay the night if you want to," he said nervously.

"That would be perfect! I don't really want to move from here," I giggled.

"I won't let you sleep on the couch! You'll have to at least walk to the room," he giggled too.

"Oh, it's okay! I can sleep here, I'm just really tired," I was literally falling asleep.

"No you won't!" Suddenly I felt Kendall lifting me up and carrying me to the room. He tucked me in; I was feeling like a baby, "good night!" He said as he caressed my back.

I heard some noises coming from outside the room. They were voices actually, but I couldn't understand a word. The bed felt different. I moved my arm trying to reach my night table but there was nothing there, so I sat on the bed realizing I was with Kendall yesterday, we watched the show, and then I fell asleep so he took me here. I smiled to myself. I got up to get out of the room and I opened the door rubbing my eyes with my left hand.

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