California Dreaming

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Twenty two years old and I'm finally on my way to make my dreams come true, now that I picked up all of the money to take the flight and made all the plans and calls for my audition, I'm on my way to California.

As I arrived, I could smell the sweet and warm air, feel the fresh breeze all over the place just thinking of those movie scenes where some guy is standing outside waiting for you with your name on a piece of paper to drive you home. But actually, there's no one out there waiting for me as I'm not famous yet and I don't have a boyfriend either, so I took a taxi and headed up to my hotel. L.A. traffic was no joke; it got so late that I had to quickly head to the reception to check in and then I took the elevator to the floor of my suite so I could unpack all of my bags and have a good night sleep before my big day.

     I woke up early in the morning, unable to keep sleeping out of excitement and nervousness. My audition was at 10 'o clock and I still had three hours to get ready to get there on time. I took a quick shower before I made a cup of coffee and grabbed some toasts and Nutella. I still had some more time so I grabbed a book and read while I ate. I didn't really read much as I got distracted taking all the feelings in, with wandering eyes paying attention to my home now. The apartment was small, a little expensive for the actual size, but it was my first place for myself away from my family. I heard the alarm and I watched my cup, I got so distracted that I didn't even finish my coffee. I ran to the bathroom to wash my teeth and then ran to the kitchen for my water bottle and my bag.

     Luckily, I arrived on time after the crazy traffic I got stuck in, also thanks to my apartment's central location near many studios. I still had to wait for them to call me in to audition, but the receptionist's smile reassured me somehow that I was already checking all the right boxes. I signed the attendance sheet and sat down to reread the script. I took a look at the people already there but tried to concentrate on my lines not to overthink things and start to compare myself to them. When I heard my name, I got really nervous, but I was confident so I just took a deep breath and walked in the audition room. I greeted with a simple hello and saw one of them standing up, so I approached and shook their hands. The casting director introduced the reader and I began with the audition once she told me to start whenever I was ready. I felt pretty confident with what I did, but once I finished the scene, the casting director asked me to read another scene for them. It was totally different from the one I read before so I panicked a little. I took a deep breath and went over the lines, remembering my cold reading class and making quick and strong decisions about how to deliver the lines I was just handed. When I finished, they told me I did great and that they would call me if I get the role. I was confident I did great, but I hate when people say that because you don't know if they would really call you or if they would not. Those words never mean the same thing, but this is how it is and is going to be, so I went back to my hotel to try to relax.

The next day, I woke up early again, anxious to know what the casting crew thought about my audition. I waited all day long, trying to keep myself busy reading, organizing my clothes, and making inventory of my groceries. Around three 'o clock in the afternoon, while watching the ID channel, I got a call from my agent. I got so excited that I dropped my phone so I quickly grabbed it and answered.

"Hello! (Y/N)?" He greeted, naturally.

"Yes! Yes, I'm here." I answered excited.

"Hey! I'm calling you 'cause of good news," he said in a singsong, "(Y/N), you are going to be part of the cast."

"Oh! really? Did I get the role?" I asked, biting my lip not to get overexcited.

"Well, you did get a role. Unfortunately, it wasn't the one you auditioned for, but I was told they asked you to read for another character and that there was something about you that they really liked for that part, so they thought you would be perfect for it."

"Uh, well it's more than ok, there's no problem. I'm actually flattered and shocked," I said, but I was a little disappointed that I didn't get the one I wanted.

"Well then! Your character is the friend of the main character, Robin. So they start rehearsing in a week and I'll send you all the info later in the day, Ok?"

"Perfect! Bye! Thank you so much!"

"You're the star, dear! Goodbye!"

I didn't get what I worked hard for but I couldn't believe I still got a role; it truly is the most amazing thing that has happened since I started in the business, very small back home. For a second, I thought I was out again, another not so successful audition, but I have faith that this one is going to be better. I took some time to read the script again to pay more attention to the role I got and just some lines in and I realized it is really interesting. I don't know how I didn't pay more attention to it on the first read or at the audition. I ended up with a big smile on my face once I finished so I decided to go out and celebrate it by myself.

I walked to a café near the apartment hotel I'm staying in. I was entering in and heard the little bell ringing as I opened the door. I tried to watch inside through the glass but the sunlight shined so bright that it got reflected, impeding me to see anything at all. I hadn't entered in completely when I crashed into someone; I couldn't see who it was because I just looked at the mess I did. I was on the floor and all the coffee was sprinkled on my clothes; I made a whole scene with everyone in the café looking at me lying on the floor, but then he apologized and I looked up as I realized who it was since that voice sounded familiar. It was Logan Henderson from Big Time Rush, lending me his hand and so embarrassed by what have just happened.

"Oh! Are you okay? I'm really sorry—"

"Please, don't worry, this is not your fault. I was not paying attention to where I was walking," I interrupted him.

"But your clothes, they are all full of coffee," he said really worried, "what can I do for you, is there anything?" He seemed so embarrassed.

"No! Really, don't worry, Logan! I was just getting a coffee. For real I'll be okay. It's just an outfit just clothes." I didn't realize I said his name until I finished talking.

"Uh..." he now looked so confused, "wait, did you just call me Logan? From where do you know me?" He asked, slowly.

"Hmm!" I giggled, "I used to be a huge fan of you many years ago. Well, I'm still a big fan of Big Time Rush!" I said and he offered me his hand to help me stand up.

"Oh! Wow! That's wonderful, but you're my fan! Why wouldn't I do anything for you? Come on!" His expression changed once he saw me standing. It was something like a smirk.

"But it's—"

"No more nos okay!" He smiled, "come on! You cannot refuse my help, or any when someone wants to."

"Okay! If you say so!" I smiled back.

I know Kendall ain't here yet, but you'll meet him for sure. After all, this is a fic about him 😊

I'm editing this story again. Only for grammar and typos and stuff so you can keep reading without problem.

You can also check my other books for one-shots of Kendall or other celebrities. And I'm also working on the new version of Cry, the book I unpublished a few months ago. It's also with Kendall and it's going to be inspired in several cancer YA novels. I'll keep you updated on it.

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