Ziva David:our love Chapter 1

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Disclaimer:Unfortunately I do not own NCIS.

Ziva's P.O.V
After today's work, I came back home and I was exhausted. I sat on my convenient cough and I tried to take a nap.Nothing.I decided to watch a movie.I put the dvd player  and the movie started.I didn't watch it finally.My memories and my thoughts were somewhere else.And somehow that made me think of what I really am.A perfect agent? A woman who kills people? A broken heart? I didn't know who I am.
I remember what my father told me once.
-"You fight for what you love, and that makes you stronger and stronger every time"
I didn't know who to believe or what to do.I was helpless.I was a lonely person without feelings for anyone or for anything.
Someone knocked the door and I started worrying.
For a moment i thought the time when Tali , my sister knocked me the door, I didn't open , and she wanted to tell me something important and urgent.I couldn't believe it was the last time I faced her and I didn't even noticed that.Thats why I like opera.I lead towards my door and I opened.It was Tony , of course Tony.
-"May I come in?" He says and he seems in trouble.
-"Yeah, of course you can.Like your home " he entered and I saw he had a scar on his mouth and his leg--
-"Oh My God , Tony where have you been?"
-"Let's talk about it later..."
-"Yeah right" I told-how could I say that to a person like Tony, I had changed. My soul, though ,brought some first aid but he stopped me.
-"I'm okay " he said and I continued concerning about him.
-"Ziva please, thank you for doing all these for me but it's okay"
-"you..."I started saying and he interrupted me  by saying
-"you don't need to do or to say anything, you have hurt enough"

How does he know? I thought and it was like he entered my mind.
-"Ziva what's wrong with you?" Tony asks and I remember when my father told me the same once
I didn't respond. He stared at me for a while with his lovely eyes and his compassionate look and I was ready to cry when he brought his hand on my face and he covered it.
-"you..can stay here for tonight" I said tentatively and I didn't regretted.
-"There's no need.I can go back home."
-"No, you can't. I'm not leaving you"
-"Fine " he said it was the last word he said for tonight. I slept on the cough and I gave him my bedroom.
I heard him whispering something but he might sobbed. I left the room , I left him alone.

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