Ziva David:our love Chapter 5

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Ziva's P.O.V

I called my boss before and Tony and I went to his house.At the beggining I refused it but his own smile and his eyes let it be as he wanted to.We were at the car and the music wasnt loud enough.I looked at him and he looked me back but our eyes never crossed.He is wering his black suit and his usual shoes and I can feel his nervousness.

Gibbs POV
i was already at the hospital.The hospital had a lot of patients but I saw Ducky alone.I ran.We was awake fortunately.
-"I am okay" he whispered but I felt his power in his voice
-"I'm here Ducky"
-"Thank you Jethro.Ziva and tony were there" he said and I nodded.
Yeah I know.. I thought.
-"Do you know where are they?" I asked because I was curious about their relationship
-"No, I'm sorry" he said.I knew he knew something but maybe I was wrong.

Tony's P.O.V
We are at my house.I know that Gibbs knows that I am with Ziva now so I cannot do something with her....
She sat on my cough and she didn't said nothing.
I broke the silence.
-"Do you want something to drink ?"I asked.
-"No " she answered.
I brought her a cup of coffee. I knew she loved it.
-"So..."I started and her head looked at mine.I will explode...I'm so nervous and I don't really know what to say.Finally, I hold her hand.
She responds and she moves closer to me.Her head is on my shoulder.I feel her warmth.
She moves again and she lean to kiss me.I was ready to do it but some slammed the door...

-"Dinozzo , open , it's Gibbs. "
I gaze at Ziva and she immediately went and hide into my bedroom so that Gibbs do not know where she is.
I opened the door and I welcomed him.He smiled and I smirked.
He just destroyed our moment.
-"Do you know where Ziva is?"he asked but I said that I don't have any idea.
He picks his phone and he calls her.The phone rang.Her phone was at my desk.
"She probably forgot it there " I said and he excused me.
He left us and Ziva appeared.
She looked me and I sat down again.
-"I better go " she said and she left
I was so disappointed.

Ziva's P.O.V
I don't know why I tried to kiss Tony.Its insane, or maybe isn't.
I grabbed my things and I left him alone after everything he did to me.I knew Ducky was okay.I had a message.
I had messed up with my life.

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