Ziva David:our love Chapter 6

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Tony's P.O.V
It was pretty nice. I mean the whole thing with our relationship. She seems confused and I also am but I need her and no one can stop me.
"rule 12" a voice in my mind was telling me.I ignore this voice , which was probably Gibbs voice.
I was sitting on my bed and I was thinking about Ziva

Ziva's P.O.V
I came home. I have forgotten everything were around Ducky and his heart attack.I messed up with my life.With my father , with Tony , with myself.
I need someone to talk.I sat on my bed.I had thoughts about Tony.Why? I told myself to stop but I couldn't. He and I ...Our relationship...made me think of what he really is in my life.
"Rule 12 " I heard a voice. Gibbs rules, right.I forced myself to stop thinking about him.It is useless I though but I knew I was wrong.My instinct told me to call him.My hand picked up my mobile phone. I typed the phone number .
-'Hi .."I said and I was feeling weird.
-"Hi, Ziva is that you?"he asked in astonishment
-"yeas"i said
-'Are you alright?"get asked with concern.
-"Yeah, actually no"
I answered
-"Do you want me to come ?"he offered
-"why not?, if you want to"
I can feel his smile. It is a classical Tony.I love his way to make me feel....alive?!

Tony's P.O.V
I don't know why Ziva called me.She don't use to do it unless it is something serious.
I wear my suit and my black shoes.Its like we are dating or something like that.
I am out of her house.I can see her.She opens the door. I smile and she smiles back with her head down.She is shy.She is wearing a -what the fuck, she looks gorgeous - black Jean , casual enough, and a short T-shirt.
She welcomes me.I am walking and I am sitting down.
-"So. ..why do you invite me here?"I said .She didn't invite me actually but I want to know her reaction.
-"I want to talk to someone.And ...and I think you're the suitable"
She said and I was amazed.She is in trouble or ...?
-"yeah, I'm all ears " I said and I grab her hand.Sge immediately looked me but she didn't told or did anything.
-"It's about us"
-"I see"
-"I know, that this, us doesn't work.
I don't know if you love me and it's the rule and sometimes I feel alone.I have lost my father , my sister, I have killed my brother , I have no feelings since you came in my life and you ruined me.You supported me like anyone did before and I didn't appreciated and I am still worry that I will make faults and mistakes and you will never forgive me."she was crying
Wait a minute she loved me? She had feelings about me?
-"I do.I do love you.Youre not alone.You have me."
-"How can you love me, after everything I did to you.."
-"shhh, you don't need to say anything.I love you because....because you make me smile when I am down in the dumps and you are so....just perfect " I just admitted. I don't know if she hates me or loves me right now.If Gibbs knew about it , we are gonna lose our jobs. It's a risk , I took.

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