Ziva David:our love Chapter 7

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3rd person P.O.V

At the NCIS building the team was at the squad room. Tony and Ziva were smiling at each other but they hide their feeling.Maybe they don't wanna lose their jobs.Gibbs , seems to know something about it but he doesn't say anything about it and he smiles to Dinozzo who stands in astonishment and he smirks.
Ziva laughs.
-"We've got a case " Gibbs says and Ziva and Dinozzo get ready.
-"No, one of you stay " the boss says
Ziva and she Tony worry about something.
-"I go " Tony says but Ziva can't hear him, so she grabs her gear.When the 'couple's ready to go Tony moves faster and he stops her.
-"you will stay here " He says and he goes.Ziva still stares at him and she looks disappointed.

Ziva's P.O.V
I don't know why Gibbs separated us.I just hadn't time to think about what happend yesterday.
He admitted he loved me , and I don't know if I even believe him.
I started crying but I saw Ducky .I have forgotten everything.
I started talking to him about everything. I think I drove him crazy and his mind would explode but Ducky just sat down and he advised me.
I told him everything about my feelings for Tony.About Gibbs and the rule.About my past.I had realised that Tony was the person I ever wanted.
Ducky agreeded. I can feel that he understands me and he cares about me.
I felt better.

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About an hour later Gibbs and Tony were back at NCIS .
I informed them about the case.It was about social networking and a person who steals information.
It was obvious that Tony avoided me.I told him if he would like to come to my house today and he said yes but after a few minutes he said that he couldn't.
-"why?"I raised my voice.
-"I will explain you later " he answered while I was sitting at my desk.

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