Chapter Eleven

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Warning: Mild Language

Chapter Eleven

I woke up tangled up in my adorable mate. I look down at his beautiful face and I can see the tear stains on his cheek. I caress his cheek and I feel a twinge of pain in my chest. It hurts me that he's hurting so much.

There's only so much I can do though. How can you tell the love of your life that everything is going to be okay after he finds out that his parents aren't actually his real parents.

Thinking about them gets my blood boiling and I snuggle into Cam more so his scent can calm me down. I guess I just have to be here him when he needs me. He don't need them anyway. They were never there for him and that asshole of a father actually put his hands on him.

The thought made me growl out loud and Cam shifted in his sleep. He turned over and smashed his face into the pillow, drifting back to sleep.

I got up off the bed and walk towards my closet to put sone clothes on. I need to go downstairs and talk to my parents. I figured I'll just let Cam rest some more. He needs it.

After I slip some basketball shirts on, I make my way downstairs to find my parents laying on the sofa watching tv. They both look up as I walk in the living room. My mom sits up and asks quietly, "What happened baby boy? Is Cam alright?"

I sit down on the other sofa and let out a long sigh as I drag my hand downs down my face. I slump back in the chair and tell my parents what happened.

"What the hell is wrong with those people! I could just go to their house and rip their hearts out if they had them!" My mom yells getting up off the sofa.

"You have no idea" I growled out. I could feel my wolf coming to the surface as I picture the hand print on my mate's cheek.

"I wanted to kill him. I never wanted to hurt someone to bad in my life. I just want to go back there and..." I couldn't even talk anymore as I dug my claws into the side of the chair.

"Logan James, get your claws out of my sofa or I'll hose you down" my mom scolded.

"Yeah, calm down son, I understand that they hurt your mate, but look at it this way, he's completely yours now. He's here to stay. We're his family now and he'll be all the better for it. He's lucky that those aren't his actual parents" my dad told my gently, I guess trying to sooth the beast.

"No one that evil could create such a beautiful person like Cam. He just glows with caring and compassion" my mom says as she gently plays with my hair.

She knows this calms me down the most. Her and my dad both would do this to put me to sleep when I was younger. I yawned and stood up. I gave my mom a hug and then my dad.

"Thank you guys for being great parents. I couldn't have asked for a better life than I have now. I never thought a parent could treat their child the way that they treated Cam today. I'm lucky to have y'all as my parents" I told then sincerely.

"You've been a great son and a great person. We couldn't have asked for better. You're a good man. You deserve someone like Cam" my dad said as he slid his arm around my mom.

"Thank you, that means so much to me. I love you guys."

"And we love you son. Now go back to that mate of yours. You know you want too" my mom giggled.

I gave them another hug and ran up the stairs toward our room where my Cammie was. I pushed opened my bedroom door and looked in.

Cam lifted his head up and looked at me as I walked in. He gave me a small smile and blushed a little as I walked towards the bed.

"Slept good baby?" I asked him as I slid into bed and pulled him to my chest.

He wrapped his arms around me and pushed himself as close as possible, "Yes, but now I'm glad that you're back. I missed you even though you probably weren't going long."

"I wasn't but it's okay, I missed you too" I told him as I planted a kiss on his forehead.

"I love you, you know that right? You're mines now, which means that you're a part of my family and we all love you" I told him as I caressed his cheeks gently.

"Thank you Lo. I still don't think I deserve you, but I'll be selfish for once in my life and take it because I need you" he said as he looked up at me and tears gathered in the corner of his eyes.

"I don't think you have a selfish bone in your body, and believe me baby, I need you too. You're my everything now and I love you."

"I love you too Logan" he whispered.

I leaned down and pressed my lips to his and kissed him gently. We were gonna be okay. We had each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2015 ⏰

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