Chapter Five

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Warning: Mild Language

Chapter Five

After a little bit more time of cuddling on Cam's comfortable bed, I grudgingly let him escape from the prison of my arms so that we can get going to my house. I'm still nervous because I have to tell Cam about our mating ceremony. I mean I know that he's okay with the sex, but I'm pretty sure that he might not be with the whole doing it in public thing. It is kind of weird when you think about it. But its tradition blah...blah...blah.

We make our way out of Cam's bedroom and down the stairs to back outside the house to my truck. As Cam goes to reach for the handle to open the truck door, I do it for him. He looks up at me from under his long eye lashes and says "Thank you" as a blush covers his smooth cheeks.

"Anything for you baby" I tell him as I make my way to the other side of the truck to get in and start it.

As we pull out the driveway, I start to fidget. I know I have to tell him because it's only about 30 minutes to my house. I also have to warn him about meeting my parents. My dad's fine, but I just know that my moms' going to attack him because she'll be so excited that I found my mate.

I take a deep breath and just let it out, "Cam I have to tell you something that I'm pretty sure is going to freak you out."

He looks up at me and asks, "What is it?"

" know about how I told you that we have to mate in 24 hours?" I can feel my heart about to pound out of my chest with how nervous I am.

"uh...yeah. I thought we already talked about it. I told you that it was okay. I mean I never done it I umm...won't know what to do..." he mumbles out clearly embarrassed with this conversation.

I can feel my wolf sigh in appreciation as we're both reminded that our mate it pure and belongs to only us. A scowl returns to my face a second later with the thought that he might reject us once he hears what we have to go through. My knuckles turn white as I squeeze the steering wheel at that thought.

"Are you okay Lo?" he asks me, startling out my depressing thoughts.

"Oh yeah...I just really don't want to tell you what I have to tell you, but I guess I should just get it over with so that you can reject me before you have to meet my parents.

"Reject you? Why would I do that? And parents?" he asks.

"Okay, well let's start with the lesser evil shall we. My parents are probably waiting for me at the house to see if I find my mate...Which means you should prepare to be pounced on by my mom because she's going to be extremely sappy and excited that I found you." I turn my eyes away from the road for a second so I could smile at him when I say that last part.

"What if she doesn't like me Lo?" he asks quietly.

"Baby, they're going to love you just as much as I already do" I tell him.

"How can you possibly love me so much already, I'm not all that special Logan. I mean look at you, you can have anyone you wanted. I'm a nobody. You probably didn't even know I existed before you found out I was your mate."

I feel myself get a little upset at his words "Cam, you're my mate, I don't want anyone else but you, I will always want you. I love you already because my wolf senses something in you that is just pure good in you, yes...I'll admit that the love I have for you is mostly from my wolf, but the half that's pure Logan, the human part, cares for you a lot already and that part wants to get to know you and fall so deeply in love with you. Can you wait for that Cam?"

He rewards that answer with a huge smile and says, "I would love that Logan. I care for you also a whole lot and I can't wait to fall in love with you also."

I give him a smile right back and reach over and take his hand in mines. I feel him move his hand so he can lock our hands together.

Just for a couple moments we sit in silence, holding hands. It felt wonderful to be able to do this with him.

But all good things must come to an end. I need to tell him before we get home. So I take a deep breath and decide to go with it.

"Cam, I need to tell you a little bit more about our mating ceremony, and I don't think you're going to like it very much. It will probably be extremely uncomfortable for you and I'll understand if you back out. I really hope you don't because I want you to be my mate so bad. I want to be able to call you mines for the rest of my life."

He doesn't say anything, just gives me a reassuring smile and nods his head for me to continue.

"We kind of have to mate in public in front of my whole pack" I rush out before I can stop myself.

I glance at him out of the corner of eye and notice the color drain from his face.

I can feel my heart breaking. He won't do it. There's no way. I can see it written all over his face that he doesn't want to do it.

"In front of everyone..."he whispers out. I'm not sure if he's talking to me or himself but I let out a small "yeah" anyways.

I decide that my fate has been sealed so I continue on, "I mean it won't be like they would be able to see everything up close or anything. It's actually done in this really nice area. It's a large opened dome shaped gazebo made out of white marble, with large post. In between the post are white shear curtains and in the middle is a large bed. It's on a small hill and everyone surrounds the hill. So they can see, but not really you know..."

I know I was rambling and he probably didn't understand what I was trying to explain, but I just needed him to agree to it. I wanted him to want me as much as I wanted him.

But still, I continue on like an idiot, "I mean I hope you still want me and I'll try not to be too rough, even though it will probably be hard because I want you so much...I just...I'm just scared to death that you don't want me anymore."

The tears started to build up in the corner of my eyes. I tried not to let him see but I know he did.


"What?" I squeak out.

"I said okay; of course I still want to mate with you. Remember? We want to fall in love, I'm looking forward to that."

I felt the tension roll off my shoulders.

"Really?" I ask him with relief obvious in my voice.

"Yes, Logan. I'll probably be shy and embarrassed, but I'm willing to go through that to be with you."

As we turn into my drive way and park the truck, I catch him by surprise by grabbing him and pressing him against me in a hug. My wolf purrs with the feel of his body. "I'm so lucky to have you Cam, you have no idea how much it means to me that you accepted me. I promise you that I will spend every day trying to make you happy."

"That's all I ask for Lo, and I promise you the same in return" he says.

I squeeze his hand and tell him, "Okay, since that's out the way, let's go meet my parents."

I laugh at the grimace he makes as I opened the door of the truck and hop out.

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