Chapter Six

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Warning: Mild Language and Mild Sexual Content

Chapter Six

As I hopped out the truck, I ran around the truck to open the door before Cam had a chance to. As I opened the door, I noticed his face grew a little pink when he realized that I would have to help him out the truck again, just like I had to help him get in. I will not make this easy for him, I thought to myself with an evil little smirk.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him from the truck, making sure that as I slowly slid him to the ground that his tight little body rubbed against mines the whole way. I fought back a moan as my plan backfired and I felt myself getting a little excited.

Before releasing him, I just kind of held him and put my forehead against his, closing my eyes, breathing in and out slowly. My sexy ass mate was driving me crazy with need and technically he wasn't even doing anything.

"Umm...Lo... What are you doing?" Cam asked.

I opened up my eyes to look into those gorgeous blue eyes before I said, "I just needed to calm down before we go inside, I would be seriously embarrassed to walk in front my mom with a raging hard on."

He looked confused for a second so I pressed my lower half against him, as he let out a little squeak and his eyes widen with realization before whispering out an "oh."

I laughed out loud at the expression on his face before I lent down and gave his pretty pink lips a small peck. I smiled into the kiss as I heard him let as a little sigh of contentment. I pulled away from him, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the truck before finally shutting the door and walking towards the front wrap around porch of my house.

"Logan I'm scared" he said while squeezing my hand, making me come to a stop.

I turn to face him and notice that his entire body is shaking. It takes me back a little because he's really frighten. I bring my hand up to his face and cup his cheek, " Why are you so scared baby, they are going to absolutely love you."

" But I'm a guy Logan, which makes you gay. What if they hate me because I made you gay? Or what if they think I'm not good enough for you because I know that I'm really not" he blurts out in a panicked rush.

"Cam, sweetheart, my parents knew there was a fifty-fifty chance that I was going to bring home a guy. I promise you they won't care. They are going to me happy for me, for us, that we found each other. And you are more than good enough. Now stop worrying and let's get this over with so you can see for yourself...okay?"

He still doesn't look to sure, but he nods his head anyway. I squeeze his hand and turn around to walk the rest of the way to the house. As we walk up the stairs and I take out my key to unlock the door, it flies open and I see my mother standing there with a huge grin on her face.

She looks down at my side, which Cam is practically glued to, trying to make himself invisible. She squeals and reaches out and tugs Cam away to engulf him in a tight hug. I accidentally let out a growl at seeing Cam in someone else's arms that's not mines, mother or not. She looks at me with amusement in her hers, "Down boy."

Cam lets out a little giggle and both our eyes snap to him. His face turns red as one: both of our attention is on him, and two: he's realizes he's still in my mother's arms.

"Mommmm! Let go of my mate and give him back!" I whine out like a child as I tug Cam back into my arms.

My mom snickers before pushing us inside and closing the door. Cam and I follow my mom as she makes her way to the kitchen to plop down on a chair and motions for us to sit down. I glance at Cam and see that he's still a little apprehensive, but not as scared as he was outside.

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