Chapter Three

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Warning: Graphic Language, Mild Sexual Content

Chapter Three

Our lips moved is sync. I slid my tongue over his bottom lip slowly, begging for entrance. I needed to taste him more than I already am. If I didn't, I'd feel like I'm going to go crazy. Finally, I feel him open his delicate little mouth and I slid my tongue inside. I feltl his tongue gently graze against mines and I moaned out loud.

It's too much. I feel like I'm going to explode with the amount of sparks going off through my body. I suck on his tongue and now it's his turn to moan, even though it's a little bit lower than mine was. At hearing the low moan, my wolf goes crazy. I start to kiss him harder almost to the point that it's obscene to be doing this in the school hallway.

Out of nowhere, I feel myself being yanked back, and away from my mates amazing mouth. I growl out loud and turn my glowing eyes on the person that is connected to the hand that just tore me away from my mate.

"What the fuck Logan?!?! Your suppose to be my fucking mate, not this little fucking fairy's mate! I'm meant to be the damn Alpha female! You can't be his because your mines!!" Heather yells out loud.

Needless to say, what happens next is her own fault for a couple reasons. One: She just tore me away from my delicious little mate, Two: She just insulted the person who is now connected to me forever, and Three: I have just always hated the bitch. Everyone stops and stands there shocked as a deep growl rumbles through the hallway and I grab her by her stupid little throat and slam her against the lockers across the hall.

I hear her whimper and I move in close and stare her dead straight in her eyes, "Insult my mate again slut, and I won't hesitate to rip your fucking throat out. You're nothing to me and never will be. I had already decided that if you would happen to be my mate, I would kill myself to end my damn misery. Stay away from me. Stay away from my mate bitch" I growl out dangerously.

She whimpers a little more, but doesn't say anything.

"ANSWER ME BITCH! Tell me you understand what I'm saying and that I'm making myself clear because I don't make idle threats!"

"Y..yes, I understand" I hear her whimper out.

I let go of her with a low warning growl as I turn around and make my way back towards my mate as he stands there looking sexy as ever with wide eyes. I can see him shaking a little bit as I lean against the locker next to his. I can smell his fear. Oh shit...he's scared of me because of my little display.

I grab his hand and notice that it's a little clammy, but I feel better when he doesn't pull away. He just turns my way, but keeps his beautiful blue eyes on the floor. I put my finger under his chin and bring his face upwards, so I can see his eyes.

My breath catches in my throat, but I quickly say, "Please don't be scared of me, I couldn't help it, she insulted you, I had to put her in her place, I wasn't actually going to hurt her, I'm not cruel like that, I just wanted her to know not to mess with you."

He let out a small breath, relief maybe? And nodded his head, I guess to let me know he understood. I just can't help but to check him out. And what I see...damn, my little mate it fucking sexy.

He's about 5'7 with blonde hair. He has a lean body that I can just tell has some definite muscle definition under his clothes. Straight white teeth, lush pink lips that I can't wait to kiss again. He actually has some awesome cheek bones; his skin is slightly tanned and clear as hell, no freckles or pimples, just smooth delicious skin. His blue eyes are slightly slanted, and if I had to make a comparison to what he looked would be a nymph or an elf. He just looked purely magical. He was beautiful. He was mines.

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