Chapter Two

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Warning: Mild Language

Chapter Two

Oh God.

I really do not want to go to school today. I seriously do not want to find my mate. Does that make me a coward, or a terrible person? I honestly don't care. This is something that I don't want...for me or for my mate. I wish I could just stay home and never leave this house again because then I wouldn't have to ruin their lives, or mines.

But of course, that is not possible.

The reason? My mother and father of course.

They have been looking forward to this day since before I was born. Which is the reason why my mom is screaming at me from the bottom of the stairs before my alarm is set to go off. Apparently to find my mate, I must get up way earlier than usual. See? Another reason not to want a mate.

"Logan honey, I love you, but would you please get the hell out of bed?!? You know what today is, so stop being lazy and get ready for Christ sakes!"

Happy birthday to me right?

Finally, about 5 minutes later (Just to show her whose boss...ha-ha...yeah right) I drag myself out of bed and to my bathroom to take a shower. I turn the water to cold and start to undress. I'm a wolf...our temperature's run hotter than humans. If I took a hot shower, I would most likely boil myself alive.

Before I get in the shower, I take in my appearance. I mean come on...even though I don't want a mate doesn't mean that I won't get one, like I said, we don't have a chose, I still want to see if I could see how I appeal to them.

I guess I'm not too bad looking. People say I'm handsome, sexy, whatever. I don't see it. I'm about 6'5 with hair so black that when the light hits it a certain way, it looks blue. I keep it short but with a little bit of bangs to hang over my eyes. I guess I have a pretty nice body, I mean I am a wolf...with a six pack and the little "V" thing. Oh and I'm tanned...year round, wolf genes ya know. Straight white pearly teeth, which I actually kind of like. My eyes are probably my favorite feature just because they are so different. They're this golden color with a brown ring around my pupil. It actually looks kind of freaky.

My wolf has the same color fur as my hair and the same color eyes. The only difference is that in wolf form, our eyes glow. Oh and all that BS about only shifting during a full moon...yeah...not true. We can shift whenever the hell we feel like it.

"LOGAN!!!" my mom's incessant screeching knocks me out of my day dreaming state. I sigh as I make my way into the delightfully cold shower so she can stop. Once I get out, I feel refreshed, and I guess a little bit better about my day. I mean seriously...there is technically nothing I can do to avoid it. I wrap my towel around my waist and head towards my room to get dressed.

What to wear, what to wear, I think to myself. Ehh..who cares.

I grab some faded denim jeans with a white Polo T-shirt with the little blue pony sign on it. Throw on my Nikes, run my fingers through my still wet dark hair. I look in the mirror...yep that'll do. I grab my bag and make my way down stairs where my mom is making me my birthday breakfast. At least she better be...damn woman.

Ahh...waffles with strawberries, bananas, and whipped cream with homemade maple syrup are sitting on the table. Scoreee! I love my mommy. Did I mention that I'm a momma's boy? Well I am.

My mom walks up to me and kisses me on the cheek, "Happy Birthday Baby Boy!"

I smile at the endearment, that's what she and dad always call me. I secretly love it. What can I say? I'm spoiled, "Thanks mom."

"Looking forward to finding your mate?" She asks practically bouncing up and down in her seat.

"Of course mom" I say even though in my own mind I'm feeling a little sick to my stomach.

"You don't seem like it son, you actually look like you're going get teeth pulled at the dentist" my dad says as he graces us with his Alpha presence.

"Ha-ha, funny dad, but No, I'm okay. I guess just nervous" I tell him.

He pats me on the shoulder as he passes by my chair to get to his and says, "It's going to be fine son, once you find your mate, you'll be fine. Oh and Happy Birthday of course."

"Thanks dad" I say as I glance at him and see him looking at my mom with love just shining through his eyes. Yeah, they are pretty great, I love that my parents are so in love with each other. Their love is actually one of the reasons that I look forward to mating, but then again my dad was never a stuck up asshole and my mom was never a skanky slut like most of the pack members and potential mates. It was a different time back then I guess.

As soon as I finish eating, I kiss my parents good-bye as they wish me luck and walk out the door. I jump in my truck and start the treacherous 15 minute drive to school. I hate it because today it seems like it only took like 5 minutes to get here as I see the school. I pull in the school parking lot and just sit in my truck for a little while.

I'm so freaking nervous. I seriously do not want to get out this truck. I wish I could just turn around, leave, and never come back. But of course, I can't do that. I'm the next freaking Alpha. Yay me.

I guess it's now or never. I get out the truck and make my way inside down the hall, keeping my eyes locked on the ground, trying to hold my breath. I wish I could be invisible, yeah no such luck.

"Hey Logan" I hear an annoying voice say as I reach my locker and open the door to get my book for first period. Remember that dumb, bimbo bitch I would rather kill myself than be with..yeah that's her voice. Heather...ugh.

I really don't want to turn around or say anything, but it can't be helped. I slowly turn, but don't look up. I don't want to make eye contact because that's the only way she would know. I'm going to know by smell also. So finally, I just take a big breath. And I smell the most amazing scent. My wolf takes over for a second, making my eyes glow.

I guess Heather notices, because she squeals a tad bit, assuming my eyes are in wolf form because she's my mate. I think I hear her say I knew it, but I honestly can't know for sure because my wolf is making me look across the hall towards the opposite side the hall across from my locker.

I completely ignore Heather as I push past her to make my way across the hall. I follow the amazing scent until I'm standing right behind the person that it's coming from. I feel the person tense as they feel someone standing behind them. The person slowly turns around and brings their eyes slowly up from the floor to stare up into my face.

I completely feel myself drowning in the deepest, bluest eyes I've ever seen. I can't help myself. My wolf won't stop. I walk up closer till the person is pushed up against the lockers and my body is pressed against theirs. I can feel the people who stopped in the hall just staring and whispering, and I can hear Heather in the background yelling something.

But I honestly can't seem to care. All I know is that I'm staring into my mate's blue eyes and there is nowhere else I'd rather be. So, I give power over to my begging wolf and let him take over as I press a kiss his soft pink lips.

Finding Perfection (MaleXMale)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum