Chapter 7

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Gibbs' Point of View

Tony rushed his now wife down to the hospital and shortly after I rushed all the way over to the hospital. I got a call from one of the nurses saying that Tony and Ziva got into a major car accident on the way over to the hospital. Abby, Ducky, Leon, Palmer, McGee, and I all rushed over to the hospital to give blood. On the way over to the hospital we saw the car that Tony had been driving and it was tottled. 

We rushed into the hospital and they wouldn't let us into the trauma unit because only doctors and personal can get through to that section. We rushed right in and saw that both Ziva and Tony were in choma's. I kept thinking to myself, that they better pull out of these chomas because their baby needs them. Everyone at NCIS needs them to come back to life and feel laughter fall upon all of our faces. 

The doctor pulled me aside and said to me, "As they were on their way over here to the hospital there were three cars that slammed into their car. The first one slammed them from the back bumper and then the second one slammed into Ziva's passenger side, and the last one slammed into the front of the vehicle. Now, the baby's water did break but the baby did not get hurt from the car accident. Now, we need to move the baby out of the hospital tommorrow because all is normal and the baby is exceptionally healthy. We need someone to take the baby until the parents wake up." I immediatly stepped up to the plate and told the doctor that I would take the baby. The doctor asked me if I would name the baby and I said no and if there was a problem that I can put in a court order and have the birth certificate on hold. The doctor understoond. 

I went back into the room where Tony and Ziva were in the chomas. One of the nurses came back into the hospital room with the baby girl. And then another nurse came in with a baby boy. And then one last nurse came in with a baby boy. I just looked at the doctor and said, "You didn't tell me that she had triplets." The doctor smiled and said, "Suprise."

A couple days later~~~~

I have not slept for a total of 4 days since the babies came over to my house. I was in the hospital room with McGee when all of a sudden we heard a voice that said, "Probie, tell me one thing. My triplets better turn out not like you." I laughed and said, 'you knew that you were having triplets and didn't tell us." He said, "Yep, Sorry boss." He looked over to Ziva and said, "She is going to pull through. I know it." It was like magic. Ziva opened her eyes and said, "Where are our babies."

The nurse brought the babies into the hospital room and that is when the nurse said that we had to name baby a, baby b, and baby c.

Baby A: (Girl) Jessica Sara Dinozzo

Baby B: (Boy) Mathew Leroy Dinozzo

Baby C: (Boy) Henry Anthony Dinozzo

They signed all of the birth certificats. While the nurses were preparing the babies we all waited in the waiting room and we saw right before the glass doors Ziva kiss Tony while pushing and carrying all three babies.


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