Chapter 20 last before the epilogue

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I rused over to Abby and laid her down on the futon in her lab a and I told Gibbs to to go get Duckyt so that he could deliver our baby.

Ducky and Gibbs came rushing over and they both got down and were told to get our guns out because guards have reported that shots have been fired on the base that are coming for our building.

We placed the protective covers over the windows and started to time the contractions because she is almost ready to deliver. I can't belive that i am going to be a dad soon because Abby and i have been discussing names to name our child but it is a little hard due to the fact that we don't know the gender of our baby. We asked her when her water broke and she said, "It broke a couple of hours ago I just didnt want to take you away from this case." Before I had a chance to yell at her Gibbs took care of that and told her that he thought of her as a daughter and that her health is more important than any case that we are investigating. I completly agreed. We called up Tony and Ziva to give them a warning but they told us that Tony is on our way to the building and that Ziva is staying with the children and will be on her way over here. 

We called Jimmy to get down here because the baby is ready to come. After a couple of minutes of delivering we heard our  baby cry. Ducky swaddled the baby and he handed it to my dear wife. We had tears going down our cheeks and then Ducky told us we had a little baby girl. We looked at each other and then Abby announced her name, "Tim and I have decided to name our baby girl Emily Kelly McGee." Gibbs looked at us witht eh best face and asked us why we named her Kelly in her middle name and we said because we considered him our father and we wanted to share this blessing with him.

We heard a noise and I helped Ducky, Jimmy, Abby, and Emily into the protected room and Gibbs and I broke the window when Ziva came and we helped her children into the building and her while Tony came with us. Before Tony and Ziva seperated each other they gave each other a big grand kiss on the lips and told them that they loved each other. I looked at Abby and she said, "I know."

We saw the lady and we chased her down. We asked her why, and the words that came out of her mouth were umbelievable,

"All of you are going to die today."

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