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BreakTheRules: okay first question. What is something you have tried, but will never do again?
RileysSmiley: hmmm
RileysSmiley: trying to become a Harajuku girl
BreakTheRules: wtf
BreakTheRules: why would u...
BreakTheRules: wowwowwow
BreakTheRules: fabulous amazing you are
BreakTheRules: I crossed paths with Lucas William friar
BreakTheRules: never do that
BreakTheRules: it's awful
RileysSmiley: lol ok who is your best friend
BreakTheRules: Darby Walker RileysSmiley: cool mine is Farkle Minkus
BreakTheRules: is that even a really name? KMS
RileysSmiley: yes he is a weird egg

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