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BreakTheRules: the moving truck just left
BreakTheRules: and I'm leaving now
BreakTheRules: I will see you in an hour!
BreakTheRules: forever
BreakTheRules: jk but I'll see you everyday!! In person
RileysSmiley: YAYYY
RileysSmiley: I need daily doses of Maya Hart
RileysSmiley: if everyone in the world had their own Maya Hart maybe there wouldn't be so many depressed humans
BreakTheRules: awww
BreakTheRules: fyi I think the same, but about Riley Matthews
BreakTheRules: as far as I'm concerned, everyone deserves their own Riley Matthews
RileysSmiley: aw ily
RileysSmiley: and I can't wait for you to move out here! So much I wanna show you!
BreakTheRules: ily2 and same
BreakTheRules: but you know what I wanna do the most???
RileysSmiley: what ??
BreakTheRules: tell you I love you in person instead of over text
RileysSmiley: 💖💖
RileysSmiley: me too

I see a lot of books like these do a character Q&A [where you can ask the characters questions and get an In character answer] would anyone be interested in that??? Or no

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