Chapter 2

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In walks everyone from fairy tail!! You were so happy that your eyes were filled with tears of joy as you sprinted up to Lucy and hugged her. You were so happy to see them again that you didn't see the questionable look on Lucy's face.

" Umm... Ezra do you know who she is?" Lucy asked turning to Ezra. You let go and take a few steps back in utter shock.

"Y-y-you don't remember me? You don't remember your student?" You asked beginning to cry.

"Y/n? Is that really you?" Lucy asked in awe. You nodded your head. "But your about my age. I guess that means that I won't need to be teaching you anymore."

" Oh that's why you were always hanging around Lucy a lot back then." Said Natsu.

"What do you think was going on flame brain?" Added Gray.

" DONT CALL ME FLAME BRAIN, ICE PRINCESS!" Yelled Natsu bumping heads with Gray.

"WHO YOU CALLING ICE PRINCESS HOT HEADED MORON?" Yelled Gray. You've missed them so much. Even thought they almost destroy the guild half the time. They went on for a while. Then shortly after, the whole guild got into it!

After a little while Max and Natsu start to battled. To my shock Max wins.

' I wonder who would win if I asked.....
Nah I'll do it tomorrow.' You thought to yourself as you began to walk home with Lucy. We talked about what the S-class trials were like, the dark guild, and the dark dragon.

"Hey (y/n), why don't you move in here? I do have another room that the landlady is bugging me about....."

"Oh that would be great Lucy!"

After you and Lucy got into her apartment, you said your goodnights to Lucy and went to bed.
'Wow! What a great room!'
You thought to yourself as you put yourself under the grass green blanket. You went to sleep peacefully not knowing that a certain pink haired Mage was cuddled with you in your new bed.

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