Chapter 5

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PLEASE READ THE Voting thing!!! If not enough people voted I can't do the chapter

You see her knocked out on the ground. Then you feel yourself start you fall mid-air. I must have used too much magic energy. But you never felt yourself hit the ground. Then, you black out.

Ezra's POV :
"Natsu. What are doing?" I asked Natsu as he attempted to try to catch (y/n) as she is falling.

"I'm trying to catch (y/n). What do you think I'm doing." Natsu says trying to get under her.

"Your not gonna be able to catch her Flamebrain."Gray says commenting into the conversation.

" WATCH ME ICE PRINCESS!!!"Nastu says butting headed with Gray.


Why can't they just stop arguing. (Y/n) is getting closer to the ground. I got it. I took a few steps back. Then I sprinted off and jumped over Natsu and Gray to get (y/n).
I caught her and landed on the ground.

"Elfman, get Mirajane and lets head to the infirmary" I told Elfman. He picked her up then we quickly carried her inside.

2-3 days later
Your POV
Ughh. What happened? You woke up to see Natsu sleeping in one of the chairs next to the bed. What's he doing here? You try and get out of bed. Then suddenly Natsu jerks awake. "(Yawn) your finally up!" Natsu says happily.

"Why? How long have I been asleep for?" You question him.

"About 2,3 days. Why?" Natsu says looking tired.

"2-3 DAYS?!?HOW DID IT EVEN HAPPEN?!" You start to yell at Natsu.

"You were fighting Mira and you used all your magic energy. Hey, DO YOU WANNA FIGHT?" Natsu says getting excited about fighting.

"Nows not the time Natsu." You say as you leave the infirmary. You walk over to the bar and sit down.

"Looks like your finally up sleepy head. You know Natsu was with you the entire time!!!" Mirajane says happily from behind the bar.

"HOW DID YOU GET HEALED SO QUICKLY???" You asked looking at Mirajane.

"Wendy healed me."

"Why didn't she heal me?" You ask thinking that she must not like you.

"It's because Natsu said he can take care of you all on his own. Is'nt that just so sweet??!?!" You nod your head agreeing. He is really nice. Why am I thinking about him?

"Hey (y/n). I'm so glad you're up!" Lucy says walking over to you.

"Hey Lucy, what's up?"

"Actually I need your help on something."

what's gonna happen next. You vote on what's gonna happen.
A) Lucy goes out with Loke
B) Go on mission
C) Go to either Lamia Scale or Blue Pegasus
D) go straight into Grand magic games
Thanks for reading!
Happy: Aye! I mean... Bye

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