Chapter 13 - A new life

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The sunrise watered her face with pale colors. She had been gazing up at the stars all night, the beautiful sounds of the ocean as company, and sometimes the bottle of rum that Killian brought her when he could leave the helm. He was really likable, kind and fascinating. A gentleman pirate. And it was obvious he liked women. One in particular. The one he had talked about all night. Especially after that bottle of rum, the second one that they shared. Well, shared... he had actually drank it all, but a little sip she had managed to steal. And then he had begun to talk about Emma, and he didn't stop until he had fallen asleep upon the helm. He was still there, covered by a blanket she had taken from his cabin. She hadn't moved him. She'd never loose the occasion to make the group laugh so hard. His position was at least exhilarating. Plus, he held the ship straight, so that now the land was right in front of the vessel, far and fogged, but visible.

" It seems that our Captain is sunk in the deep dream's sea..."
The well-known voice made her smile. Rapunzel turned and looked at her old friend.
" There's bad blood between you two, isn't it? "
Rumplestiltskin showed his surprise. " How do you know that?"
She gave him a knowing smile. " I know you. And he glares at you everytime he has the occasion to."
The Dark One softly laughed. " You've always been a good observer after all, dearie..."
" Mh. For this you wanted me? Because I can see."
They stared at each other for several minutes, the little morning waves the only sound around them. He finally smirked.
" I suppose."
She narrowed her eyes, but nodded after glancing down.
" Do you hate me for this? For... what I put you through?"
Rapunzel stared at him in total surprise. He seemed really worried. And, perhaps, a little sorry.
She thought about it. Did she hate him? No, absolutely, she realized with an inner laugh, that soon became external.
" No, Rumple, why should I? I... I think you had your reasons to do it. Everyone has their own demons."
That, that one on the Dark One's face, that was real surprise. Then it became relief, and... gratitude?
" You truly remember me of Belle, dearie."
" I can't wait to meet her." she commented with a smirk. " Is she human?"
" Yes, yes..." he answered laughing.
" Why? It was a legit question!"
" I know, I know, it's just that I'm no more used to such questions. There are, well, there were only humans in this world."
" What do you mean? No animals? Or no ogres, werewolves, fairies, dwarves, dragons..."
" The second you said. "
" Oh." she simply said, still thinking about it. " Boring." she commented after a while, making him laugh again.
" Not as you may think."
" You two make a damn loud noise when you're tog... is he alive?"
Snow had just finished the short stair to the deck, and was now worriedly looking at Hook.
" Aye. He's just drunk. Thought you should see this." the warrior sneered.
Snow alternated her gaze between her and the pirate, then fixed it on the last one, and finally laughed so hard that she had to crouch down. Killian didn't give signs of life but a little grunt. Snow almost died asphyxiated.
Prince Charming came and, as he saw Hook, he looked down at his wife and tried to stifle his laughter.
" Why is he in such conditions?"
" He...ahahaha! He's..." Snow White tried to answer, but she was laughing too hard to succeed. Rapunzel explained it for her. David, inevitably, began laughing. Her devilish plan was working, she thought smiling wickedly. Rumplestiltskin laughed as if he could read her mind. Probably he did. However, she didn't bother: he already knew everything about her. Not that she had any secret, but one for Regina.
Emma reached her parents with her son at her side, both awakened by the noise, and she almost immediately joined their laughters, as Henry did.
Regina was the last one to reach the deck. When she did, she barely looked at Hook, smiled tightly at Henry and went on the bow. She didn't even looked at her. Rapunzel felt a burning wound scratch her heart. She looked back at the rest of the group, and noticed that Snow had stopped laughing and was now watching Regina with a worried face. Their eyes met, but the green ones quickly looked away, back on the still sleeping pirate. Something else hurt inside her. What had happened between the two women? She was about to ask her but Emma forestalled her.
" Mom, can we have a talk?"
The unusual calling temporarily distracted her, enough to make the two woman disappear. It was weird to hear Snow White, that same young bandit woman that she met in the forest, to be called "mom". She was still that girl to her. The girl who accidentally crushed her love's heart. Just the victim of another victim.

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