#6 He teaches you to....

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Play guitar.

You always wanted to learn to play guitar, But you couldn't because you had college. So for your birthday he gave a guitar! So whenever you had a note right he will reward you with a kiss.


Play footbal (soccer).

You suck at football, so Lous took the opportunity to teach you. You were laying in the grass frustrated, because you couldn't make a goal. Louis told you that IF you make one, he would do whatever you want (you dirty minded people ;)


Play piano.

Your sister/brother knew how to play piano. You were so jealous because he/she always had all the attention. Liam noticed your jeoulousy and decided to teach you so you can prove your sister/brother you can also play the piano. 



Whenever Zayn sists in the sofa and draws you admire hes work, one day you decided to learn drawing. You asked him and at the next day he buyed you an entire drawing kit with everything in it. Zayn started teaching you but what came in the drawing was a stickman playing football with other stickman, PIECE OF ART!


Golfing (I don't know how to spell it, don't judge).

You went with Harry and some of his friends golfing in the nearest golf park.  The thing is, you didn't know how to golf! You told Harry while in the car and he just promised to teach you there. When you hit the ball in the first hole, you made a HOLE IN ONE! Harry was jealous and he just said it was a biginners luck. HAHA!

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