Imagine for Beverly Mora

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Harry and you were in a day care, you volunteer because both of you love kids! One kid came to you and gave you a flower "Why is this?" you asked the little boy, "Because you are pretty" "Aww thank you" "Would you be my girlfriend?" "Sorry hun, but I already have a boyfriend" "Who?" you pointed at Harry, the little appeared a little bit angry and went to Harry. Harry knelled down with the boy, the boy whispered something to Harry and Harry looked over at you and smiled. Harry came over to you while carrying the little boy, "What happened here?" Harry asked, "Well, this little guy here, gave me this flower and asked me to be his girlfriend but i said no" Harry smiled and said to the little boy, "Little guy, he is my girlfriend" The little boy pouted but asked "Can I have a kiss?" You smiled and kissed him, the boy went running to his friends and told them what happened. You were sitting with Harry when someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and found all the boys from the day care with flowers in their hands. Harry looked and laughed "You have work to do, but I´m staying here to see" So basically, every day all the boy bought flowers and you had to kissed them in the cheek, but one day, Harry came over to you and the boys and said "Okay, so like this is how you kiss your girlfriend" you were confused, but he grabbed your waist and kissed you in front of the kids. All the kids gasped and start shouting that they also want a kiss. "Sorry kids, but that kiss is only for me" Harry said while pecking your lips. The kids were sad but happy because at least you gave them a kiss. Later on you heard that Harry was the responsible one for all the boys asking you a kiss. That is why all appeared like him! HE CHEEKY BASTARD!!


-Vanny Va

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