Niall Imagine Part 1

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This imagine was made by my friends and me, by Cindy and of course me. In this story Cindy is Cindy and is Niall's sister. And I'm Vanny representing Niall's girlfriend

Hope you enjoy reading this!!!

"Hell yeah!" Cindy shouts, "Aww you cussed I'm telling Liam" Niall says while running away to get Liam.  "LIAM LIAM LIAM" Niall starts shouting. "Vanny stop him!!" Cindy shouts "Niall!!!" Vanny shouts and tackles him. Niall tries to get up, but Vanny sits on him and says "Come on Niall, please for me?" Niall whispers something in Vanny's ear and she stood up and helped Niall, "What did he say?" Cindy asked "He whisper something in your ear, NO FAIR!" "He said nothing really" Vanny answered, "Is he going to tell Liam? Because if he does I'm screwed" Cindy says. "No hes not, look he is there with a smirk on his fa-" Vanny stop mid sentence and sees Niall with a REAL smirk on his face, "Oh crap, AHHHH" Vanny shouts wile running away from Niall who is chasing her. While Vanny runs past Cindy, Cindy sticks his foot out and Niall trips "I'm so sorry Niall" Cindy says while laughing. Vanny turns around and sees Niall with a bigger smirk on his face while standing up "I'M SCREWED" Vanny shouts while jumping behind the rest of the boys "HELP" she shouts. Meanwhile Cindy says "Oh Niall" "What?" "Don't attack Vanny" "Or what?" "Or I'll show Vanny the embarrassing video you taped yesterday" "You wouldn't" "Try me and by the way I ate all of Nandos" Cindy replies while laughing, Niall gets so mad that he stops and attacks Cindy, "Vanny Help!!" Cindy shouts. "NIALL I WONT BUY YOU NANDOS" Vanny shouts but Niall ignores her. "Get off me please!!" Cindy says "Can't make me" Niall responds and then Niall slaps Cindy, Liam runs and pulls Niall off of Cindy, Cindy looks surprised and hurted at what just happened and goes running to her room. "What the hell I did?" Niall says to himself...

So that's part 1, if you like it please vote and I will see if I do the rest of it, if you want the rest of it comment telling me you want it!!


-Vanny Va

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