Liam Imagine

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You were reading City of Heavenly Fire the last book of your favorite series, you were halfway into the most interesting part when Liam came in. "Baaaaaaabe" Liam whined "Yes Liaaaaam?" you replied without looking at him . "Babe I'm boooooooored" he said sitting beside you. "Baby, Liam, I'm reading" you said laughing at your silly boyfriend. He was sitting with his head on your shoulder looking at the book. "What are you reading?" he asked, instead of answering you pointed at the cover. He stood up and sat in front of you so he could look at the cover, he spent their 5 minutes and then stood up. "Babe, where are you going?" you asked still without looking up, the book was really interesting!! "To the kitchen, I want food" he said while walking towards the kitchen. You looked towards Liam but he was already on the kitchen, so you smiled and turned towards your book.

10 minutes passed of Liam doing anything, and you still reading. At one point, you reach a sad part that really got into you so you started crying silently, tears streaming down your face silently. Liam looked at you and walked towards you. He got the book from your hands, but your bookmark on it and picked you up "We are going somewhere" he said while walking towards the door "Where?!" you said still sobbing from that sad part "No book makes my girlfriend sad, so right now, my mission is to make you happy" he said putting you down and getting his keys. "Let me go get ready" you said starting to walk towards the stairs. "Nope, you are perfect love" he said grabbing you from the waist and kissing your temple, he grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the car. "My love, adventures await!!" he said opening your door. The rest of the afternoon was Liam being his silly self, and he did accomplished his mission, because he made you smile for the rest of the day.

I know I haven't written for a long time, but I hope you like this imagine!! :D

-Vanny Va

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