#12 Your family/friends don't believe your dating him

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(Y/S/N) Your sister´s name

(Y/F/N) Your friend´s name

(Y/L/N) Your last name

Harry: You were walking down the stairs to the door to see your boyfriend Harry. "Still thinking about Harry?" (Y/S/N) asked "Yeah, I do" "You are mental! He can´t be with you!" she shouted "Why not?!" you asked "Because you are, well, you" that voice didn´t came from your sister it came from your mom! "Mom!" "Well, (Y/N) I know you love your posters and all but this is getting out of control" Suddenly the door bell rang. "I will go get it" you said. You went to open the door to see your boyfriend with roses and a teddy bear. "HARRY!!" you shouted inough so that your mom and sister cam running. They were with their mouths open. "OMG, HARRY STYLES!" "Can I get a picture please!" your sister said. "Umm, no" "Why??" "Because what you said to (Y/N) was wrong" "and Mrs. (Y/L/N), (Y/N) is living with me from now on" "WHAT?" you asked grinning "You heard love, you are moving with me" He responded. You hugged him tightly. "You can´t do that" your mom said "Why not?" Harry asked. "Because... because... she wants to live with us, don´t you sweetheart?" your mom said. "No, I´m leaving, after what you did?!" "Bye mom, bye (Y/S/N) see ya" you waved and got in Harry´s car waving again by the car window, meanwhile your sister was red with anger, because she didn´t have what you have. An AMAZING boyfriend.

 Louis: You were in Starbucks with your friends talking about what was happening in their lifes when a guy came over your table and looked at you saying "Hi, beautiful" "Umm, hi?" "Can I have your number?" "Sorry, I have a boyfriend" and with that the guy walked away embarassed. Your friends gasped at what you did. "(Y/N), you dont have a boyfriend" "Yes, I do" "Who is it?" all your friends asked excitedly "Louis Tomlinson" "(Y/N), stop inventing things that are not true, you dont have a boyfriend" Instead of replying, a shout of girls was heard from outside. A guy came in, but no girls were in Starbucks, just you and your friends. "Hi babe" Louis said from behind. You turned around and jumped from your seat to give him a kiss. "Louis, your back!!!!" "Well, (Y/N) i missed you so much, so I came for a week or two" "Really??" "Yeah" you hugged him and smiled to your friends who were shocked, the girls from the windows saw everything, so they record it and in 2 hours, what happened in Starbucks was in YouTube and #Louissurprises(Y/N)´sfriends was trending!!

Niall: (Y/N), why did you gathered us at the park?" your friend asked. You friends were sitting in a bench staring at you for an answer. "So, you can meet my boyfriend Niall" you said casually. "(Y/N) NIALL IS NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!!" one of your friends shouted. "And Niall doesn´t count as a poster" another friend said, your friends laughed at her remark. You looked down embarrased because your friends didn´t beleive you. You eyes were covered with someones hands. "Guess who?" someone said, "NIALL!" you shouted, you friends were looking at you. You stand up and hugged him. He grabbed your face and kissed you on the cheek, the other cheek, forhead and finally your lips. You laughed at how silly he is. "How?!" "Why?" "Where?!?" your friends aske you. You smiled and pecked his lips, you pulled away, and he pouted, you laughed when he grabbed you face and kissed passionately infront of your friends. Your friends were shocked at THE Niall Horan standing in front of them with one of their friends being his girlfriend. And that lucky girl was YOU!!! 

Zayn: "(Y/N), sweeite" "Yes mom?" "Did you say your boyfriend was coming home for dinner?" "Yes mom, his name is Zayn" "Umm, (Y/N), the posters don´t eat" "but mom, his real-" "(Y/N), stop, this is getting serious!" your dad said with a straight face "But-" "I said stop, your problem with those boys and the posters is getting out of hand" The door bell rang and you wento to answer it. "Hi Zayn" you said with a smile "Hi babe" you anwer "Mom, dad come and meet my boyfriend" "(Y/N) I said he is not real probably is your friend-" your mom stop mid sentence when she saw Zayn standing in he her door, with his arms wrapped around your waist with his head on top of your head. "Hi Mrs. (Y/L/N)" Zayn said while kissing your temple. Your mom was speachless, when your dad heard your mom stop he ran to the door, he stoped when he saw Zayn, "Mom, dad, meet Zayn Malik, my boyfriend" When Zayn heard the word ´boyfriend´he smiled and kiss your lips. You smile when he kissed you and lead him to sit down to start eating. Your mom and dad were wide eyed, because and international popstart was sitting in their table! When it was time for Zayn to go you wento with him over his car. "Thanks for coming" you said hugging him. "It was a pleasure coming and finally meet your parents" You kissed him and he kissed back. "Bye" you said "Bye babe" and with that he pecked your lips and left. When you enetered your house. Your parents were saying "Sorry" and "Forgive us" all over again You smiled and forgave them, because they accept Zayn!!

Liam: "Earth to (Y/N)" your friends said while staring at you. "Sorry, I was thinking about someone" "Ohhh, someone" your friends said while winking at you. "Yes, his name is Liam, my boyfriend" "Wait, wait, wait you have a boyfriend?" "Yes I do" "His name is Liam as in Liam Payne or other Liam" "Is as Liam Payne" "(Y/N) you are crazy" "Why?" "To think he is with you" "But he is with me" "Liam is single (Y/N), I know you have a crush on him, but that is no reason to invent a rumour" "But he is really mine, he is my boyfriend" "(Y/N) he isn´t" "He even announced it on live TV" "No, he didn´t" "Y-" you were interrupted by someone saying "Yes, I did say that (Y/N) is my girlfriend" you turned around to find Liam smiling at you. "Hi Liam" you said while standing up. You went and hugged him "Hi babe" you kissed him and pulled him to sit with you. "Umm, (Y/N) we only have one more chair" "No problem, (Y/N) sit here" Liam said while pulling you over his lap. You laughed and sit on his lap. "(Y/N) I can´t beleive you were telling us the truth!!" "Please forgive us" "We didn´t know" all this questions were thrown at you so you just said "I told you guys, and I forgive you, because if you told me the same, I would´t beleive you also" Your friends laughed and introduced themselves, now Liam is part of your friends group. Your friends already even considered him as a friend. But to you it will always be your loving boyfriend.

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