Niall Imagine Part 10

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"Shhhhh" Vanny said to everyone else, Perrie, Eleanor, Danielle, and Cindy stopped playing and stand still. "Liam they are not here" Niall said, "Shhhh, did u heard that, come on" suddenly the door started opening, "hurry hurry out from the window" Cindy said, all of u went out the window, but Vanny was the last one and Liam saw her. "NIALL NIALL THEY WENT OUT THEY WENT OUT" He shouted while running downstairs. "GIRLS RUN RUN!!!!" Perrie shouted, all of the girls ran to the house and waited on the couch, "Vanny I hope this was a great idea" Danielle said, "It is, because we surrender they wont do us any harm" "But what if-" "Ok, come on lets go to my room then" "Why to your room?" "Because..." Vanny said "Lets just go" Cindy said while laughing. When Perrie closed the door, the boys came into the house. "Perrie lock the door hurry!!" Vanny whisper, Perrie locked the door and all the girls went to the door to listen. "Ugh! We didn't found them!!" Zayn said, "And why did u brought me to this mess?" Harry said "Just because" Louis replied sassily, Eleanor laughed at this. "I'll just go upstairs" Harry said, Harry walked up the stairs. Vanny opened the door and grabbed him and pulled him inside. "Harry" Vanny said "Its me Vanny" "What is wrong with you people?!?!" Harry whisper shouted, all the girls sighed "Ok, first of all, Harry can you be in our side? We need one of u, and we choose you because you aren't involve" Cindy said, "Yeah yeah, sure" he whispered. All the girls squealed and hugged him "Thank you thank you thank you thank you" the girls whisper. "Ok ok I got to go downstairs, see ya girls, oh and u better go into my room" "Why?" "Because Niall also sleeps here and it will be complicated to explain why he can sleep here" "He is right" Perrie said, "Ok we will go just let us grab our things" Danielle said. The girls grabbed their things and went into Harry's room "Oh and here" Harry said while grabbing a remote, then a small door opened and all the girls went there, "wow" the girls gasped, the room was giant...

-Vanny Va

Part 10!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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