JaThea: The Married Life: Our Dear Paul

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a/n: Hi Gaiz! Here's another one for you!


Lubb you still! Have a good read my sweet summer children ;)


Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul,

That you never knew was missing.

- Torquato Tasso


"Uncle Lucky, How was I as a child?" I asked we're in the racetrack, that night he introduce me to racing and he gave me my first real conversation. I am already learning the knack of how the whole car works and the rules and regulations in racing so we took a short break.

We're seated on the hood of our cars; we're eating Japanese take-outs and drinking sake, this is what I love about my only uncle, advisor and second dad, he doesn't restrain me from anything I wanted to do, he even joins me sometimes, like now. He's cool, understanding and happy-go-lucky of some sort. Something he and my dad differed.

Dad has always been a bit uptight, yes, he has been a good father and provider to me growing up but he has his own expectations to his only daughter. My mom was controlling yet sweet and understanding in her own way, nevertheless I grew to love them just the way they were. Because you don't get to choose your parents right, you just get to love them and be thankful for them.

"Hmm? You as a child were a total pain the ass! You're a cry baby!" he joked as he drank on his sake bottle

"No seriously uncle Lucky? I'm just scared that I won't be a good parent to my child someday, knowing I wasn't able to have this kind of talk with mom and dad." I said looking at him intently and his laughter dissipated into a smile

"Why are you asking this kind of question now Althea? You're too young for that." He said discouraging my questions and I knew he's thinking he's not the right guy to answer them

"Are you scared of settling down and having a family of your own uncle?" I braved he scoffed almost choking on his drink, he smiled and shook his head

"Althea, settling down and having your own family is never easy, but no I'm not scared, I'm just contented of treating you as my own daughter."

"And you're a cool dad. As far as racing and sake drinking is concern?" I teased which made him laugh again

"But you know Althea, I'm afraid you'll never have enough lessons about having a family, or raising a child, from other people's experiences. You'll learn on your own, every family and every child is unique I believe. And gradually as you go on through the course of it, they'll teach you your own lessons." Uncle Lucky deeply and vaguely answered as he finished his dinner

"But how can that make me a good parent? I believe it's best to hear some advice of some sort from experienced people right?" I forced him

"Yes of course, but you don't get to compare, you get to expect, but never assume." He answered absentmindedly

"Would love be enough?"

"Althea, Love will always, always be enough. Love will make you understand, love will make you patient, love will make you kind, love will give you courage, love will give you wisdom. All you have to do is make sure that, that love is true, that it's not a selfish one, or an immature one, or a hurried one. Love needs to grow in your heart and mind into its whole form, so it won't be just needing and taking but is equally giving and returning. You gain that love and you'll know exactly how to be a good person, a good wife, a good parent." He finally answered as he took our garbage to the nearby trashcan

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