try hard

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this is the first song, try hard. it's all about before we started dating, when i liked you and you were too mature for me. hope you like it."

as charlie read through the song, her smile grew. it threw her straight back in to when they were together.

she remembered the time and what ashton had been talking about in the song. charlie had dyed her hair purple - which she got in to a hell of a lot of trouble for in school - and thought she was tough. she had always been clever and dropped out of school halfway through her last year, and she'd gone through a phase where whenever she went out she wore black skinny jeans and converse, regardless of where she was going and who would be there.

when she started to notice ashton, he was the same age as her but was relatively immature and seemed younger. once he tried to convince her that he was twenty, which she definitely did not believe. she didn't find this out until later but the reason he didn't ask her out for a while was because he didn't have a job and his mum didn't have any money as she had just been made redundant with three children to feed.

before he learnt drums ashton played guitar and he was amazing. she remembered vividly one time when he wore a fake lip ring - presumably to try and impress her - which really didn't suit him. it still made her laugh to that day. charlie also had a tiny tattoo of a rose on her upper rib which she got by bribing the tattoo artist, and she really regretted the decision to get it. she had seen ashton around school regularly but didn't know him that well.

as she read through the lyrics she remembered when ashton had recently joined his band and they were playing shows. charlie had gone to one because her friend ana had wanted to go and see them, and they stood right in the front row. ashton saw them and winked at charlie but at the time, he hadn't said anything afterwards.

one thing charlie learnt which she honestly had no idea about was why ashton had thought she was out of his league.


@ charlie ur welcome

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