And I drank up all my money Dazed and kinda lonely

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Against All Odds

Nova and her, 'band' all headed to Kai's house for a party, Nova didn't know exactly why she agreed to come. She just wanted to go home and sleep but it was too late. She was sitting in the band room brainstorming and writing down lyrics she thought sounded good. She stopped writing and shoved the note pad in her bag when she heard someone open the door. She didn't bother looking up, whoever it was isn't worth her time. "Nova, can we talk." Turns out she was right the person that came into the room was Damien and he, he definitely wasn't worth her time. "About?" She answered so he would go away as quickly as possible. "Is it cool if my girlfriend comes to practice the next time?" Nova didn't agree with having anyone but the band at practice but she told him yes anyway. She knew it would also kill her to see him with someone else. She got out a cigarette lit it up and took a long drag. She always smoked when she needed to think, well she always smoked regardless.

"Aye, wanna smoke with me?" Mariela asked walking into the room Nova was in. She looked at her and held up her cigarette. "No silly, I meant weed." Nova thought for a minute and agreed. "Awesome, I brought some 'cake shit'" That was an inside joke between Nova and Mariela. The first time Nova ever drank was cake flavored vodka with Mariela and in a tipsy state said "That's some good cake shit." Now they say it every time they drink. Nova grabbed the bottle from her and took a drink, This was probably the lowest she's every been. They passed around a joint and didn't say a word the whole time. Nova as Mariela would say; Exhaled the bullshit and enhaled the good shit.

Nova woke up hung over and not in her bed, that angered her. She groaned as the light from the sun came in through the window. She got up and found her bag so she could check her phone. She hadn't been on Facebook in months and decided it'd be a good time to post. She found a good spot and snapped a picture of her and the sleeping people behind her. She captioned it with some witty phrase about the party last night and put her phone to the side to find a cigarette.

Her phone beeped, she picked it up and checked the notification. It was because she had gotten a message on Facebook. It was her friend Anthony. "Hey, where have you been? I've missed you." The messaged said. She started typing a message back saying something about being busy. Which was a lie. She locked her phone and put it in her back pocket grabbing all of her stuff and walking out the door to go home.

She finally reached her house and started to panic her dads car was in the driveway, he was going to be pissed that she never came home last night. "Shit.." She whispered. "She walked in quietly and let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't awake. She tiptoed up to her room and hoped that he hadn't checked on her yet.

She fell on her bed and heard her dad laugh, "I know you were out al night." "I'm sorry." she said. "It's fine just let me know you won't be coming home next time." He got up from her chair and left her room.

There was a beeping noise coming from somewhere in her room that slowly started to wake her up. She sat up and looked for her phone still half asleep. She finally found it and opened it up. She noticed that it was about midnight, She hadn't meant to sleep all day but she did. She opened the text message that had woken her up. It had turned out to be Mariela asking if she could come over and smoke. Nova replied with a yes and Mariela almost instantly responded with an 'on my way.'

Nova went down stairs to get food. She was so hungry she could probably eat her whole fridge but she wouldn't. She realized that she was home alone and decided to listen to music. She put her play list on shuffle and Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides came one. Even though she didn't really like this band anymore that song always made her want to go crazy, so that's what she did. She was dancing around and singing along when Mariela walked in. Mariela being Mariela started laughing as soon as she saw Nova. Nova stopped and smiled. "You can stop laughing now Bitch." Nova said. "Fine jerk." they went up to Nova's room to smoke and listen to music until they passed out. Nova knew deep down the road she was headed down wasn't a very good one, but at this point in time she honestly couldn't care less.

-picture Mariela and Nova, title Habits by tove lo

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