Fix My Problems With The Blade

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Nova wakes up and looks at her alarm clock instantly groaning at how early it was. Even though she dreaded the thought she got up and went the bathroom starting the shower and getting undressed while she waited for it to heat up. Nova looked in the mirror taking in how she looked. She looked ill, deathly ill. She had bags under her eyes along with dark circles, her skin was paler than a vampires, her hair was limp and not thick and full like it should be, her scars stuck out like Andy Biersack in hot topic. She shook her head breaking away from the mirror and finally getting in the shower.

Nova's shower was at the perfect temperature for her. Almost scalding hot, ever since she was younger she loved hot water. She loved the way the heat felt and the way it made her skin red. She reached over and grabbed the warm vanilla sugar body wash that Cameron got her a month ago. She never used it because she didn't need it when I had bought it. The thought of Cameron made her heart ache. She missed him and she didn't know why, he was a God damn jerk. She didn't notice until she had subconsciously picked up her razor that she was sobbing. Nova places the razor down on her thigh hard she slides it across until she sees blood. Before she knew it her thigh was covered in eight perfect tally marks.

"Nova?" Damien calls out from down stairs making Nova jump. I.. um I'm in the shower I'll be down in a minute." It was Saturday, that means it was band practice day. Nova hurried and got out of the shower making sure to bandage up her thigh. She puts on a pair of sweat pants and a motionless in white shirt then heads down stairs.

"Are you okay?" Kai asked. "Yeah im fine." She said as she sat on Hayden's lap. "Alright we should work on a new song." Damien said Nova agreed as she rolled off of Hayden ninja style. She was in a really good mood and she assumed it was because she had finally cut. She's been wanting to since Cameron cheated but she couldn't. She finally let out what she needed to as sick and twisted that may sound it was true.

"Nova, earth to Nova." Damien said as he poked her face finally breaking her train of thought. "Yyyeeeessss" she said in a silly animated voice. "Anthony's here." He replied with a laugh. "Hiiii anthony, what's Shaken Bacon?" Nova said as she wiggled her eye brows "is she high?" Anthony asked no one specific. "No silly that was last night." Nova gasped and covered her mouth quickly. She noticed Anthony laughed a little but he was definitely disappointed in her.

"Nova pack up your things." He said. "What? Why?" She asked. "Because you're coming to live with me. You obviously cant handle it. Also where's Harley?" He said. "She's in the kitchen, Kai fed her." Damien said. "Okay well don't forget to bring her." Nova nodded her good mood was suddenly gone. She packed up all she needed along with Harley's leash and toys. She didn't bring much because she knew she'd be back. He couldn't keep her away for forever.

-title from Everything ends by slipknot.

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