Its all your fault you called me beautiful

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Against All Odds

Nova walked all around her neighborhood until she finally reached the house she was looking for; Anthony's. She drunkenly made it to his front door and knocked, she knew it was late but she needed someone. Anthony grumpily made his way to the door complaining about the time in his head when he opened the door. As soon as he opened it Nova buried her face in his chest immediately soaking his work shirt with tears. He looked down and saw it was Nova, "Nova, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked already knowing the answer. "Cam...Cameron cheated on me!" Her words came close to slurring together but he understood. "I'm sorry." He said hugging her tightly, as much as he hated the decisions she has made, he cared for her greatly. She squeezes him tighter, he looks down and sees that her makeup is smeared and she's not only drunk but high. He sighs and lets her go, she pulls away and wipes her eyes, "Come in, if you want to clean your face, the bathroom is right there." He said pointing to a door. Nova walked in and thanked him. With a sigh she made her way to the bathroom,she decided she needed more than to clean her face and she took a shower.

Ten minutes pass and Nova decides it's time to get out of the shower. She wrapped her self in a towel. She walked out and went into Anthony's room where she found him sitting on his bed. "T-tony." She managed to spit out. "Yeah?" he said. "Can I get something to sleep in?" He nodded and got up to hand her a shirt and some basketball shorts. She walked back to the bathroom. She was lucky to have Anthony she really didn't want to go back home.

Nova stood in the hallway thinking, "You can sleep in my bed, i'll take the couch." She shook her head in protest about to cry again, "Please just hold me tonight." Anthony knew it was a bad idea, with the choices Nova was making lately she was in no shape to even try to move on from Cameron, but he knew she'd be the secret whore she is and try to have sex with him. She didn't want to be held. She wanted to fuck the pain away, and that's exactly what she did that night, with the man that secretly loved and lusted after her. Did she regret it, no, did he? Of fucking course he did.

Nova woke up before Anthony and left without a note. She remembered what happened that night even though she was drunk and stoned off her ass. Right now she was sitting on her bed emotionless with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes, she sat and mindlessly played with her lighter. She ran out of cigarettes a week ago, and she's so close to running out of alcohol, and going crazy without weed. Someone comes into her room but she doesn't bother to see who. It could be a murderer, she doesn't care, she kinda wanted to die. Pathetic, she knew, but it wasn't because her best friend used her, no it was because everything she's ever known in life always turned to shit. She was basically abandoned by her mother and abused emotionally and physically abused by her. She felt hopeless and lost, she kept thinking about everything she was told growing up, repeating the words her mother told her, "You can't do anything right, you're a worthless bitch." Repeating that over and over for so many years and now hours was damaging. "Nova." Mariela finally said. Nova started laughing, "Oh it's you. The slut who fucked my boyfriend." Mariela flinched at Nova's horse voice and harsh words. "Nova, I.. We were drunk." Mariela defended. "Oh and you think that's a fucking excuse? You guys weren't black out drunk, you knew what you were doing." Nova sat up and looked at her "friend" "Nova I'm sorry, i'm really sorry." Mariela walked over to her bed slowly, Stupidly Nova was starting to forgive her, thinking she was sincerely sorry, She wasn't. The bitch was just going to hurt Nova again.

Nova was going to stupidly forgive cameron. She missed him, She knew how stupid she was but she didn't care, she was at the point where she didn't care that she was going to be hurt, she just wanted someone to hold her, even if it was fake. "Where's Cameron?" Nova asked Mariela. "I don't know? Nova why? You really want to see him?" Nova got up from her bed. "Yes now text him." She walked into her bathroom and started up the shower. Maybe it was the only thing that would make her feel better.

She strips out of her hoodie revealing the fresh cuts on her arms. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed tears welling up in her eyes. She felt stupid and ridiculous most of all she felt pathetic. She was addicted to the pain, she couldn't stop she just loved watching the blood pump out of her body, the relief she felt was unbelievable. She stepped in side the shower the warm almost scalding hot water hitting every last cut, stinging them but making her smile at the pain. She reached and got the shampoo washing her hair and watching as the soapy water swirled down the drain. She Shaved and washed her body and got out wrapping her self in a towel she wanted nothing more than to be able to sit there and do nothing but she knew she had to get dressed.

She put on a new hoddie and some sweat pants, the last thing she wanted Cameron to see were her scars. She sat down on her bed and looked in her ashtray for a good enough cigarette butt. "Need one of these?" Cameron said as he stepped in her room. Nova looked up at him and sighed. "Yeah." She reached out and took it. "Come one lets go out on the roof."

Ah the roof, where they had all of their talks, where they shared their first kiss, where he asked her to be his. "Okay." She got off of her bed making sure to grab her lighter, Cameron had already made his way out there, Nova climbed out and sat down with a sigh. "I'm sorry." Cameron said. Nova put her cigarette between her teeth and lit it up taking a drag and slowly blowing out the smoke. "Are you?" She questioned. "Yes Nova, I was drunk and I shouldn't have done it. I never wanted to hurt you." Nova laughed and shook her head. "You never wanted to hurt me yet you let my best friend ride your cock on my bed." She took another drag and waited for his response. "Nova I love you, we've been best friends for years you know me." Nova looked at him and smiled, she leaned in close to him, "Yeah cam, I know you alright." He smiled thinking she was going to kiss him. "You're a man whore, you've only noticed me for my boobs and ass, i'm just a toy to you, that's all i'll ever be." She got up and climbed through her window to her bed. She felt her bed sink in more, "Nova look at me." She looked at him, "I'm Sorry baby, you're all I want. I love you." She was falling for his pathetic green eyes and perfect teeth from having braces when he was twelve. Before she could answer he kissed her hard and passionately, a kiss full of lust but with Nova being weak and vulnerable she confused it for love. She stopped him from undressing her top. He looked at her with a questioning look and moved on to her pants. We all know what happened next, the sick mother fucker used her like he always did.

It's been a month since that day and yes Nova and Cameron were together. Nova didn't regret it knowingly to her self because she thought she loved him and he loved her. She woke up and looked at Cameron in her bed she smiled and got an idea, she reached over and grabbed her baby powder from her makeup table. She carefully got up and opened it sprinkling it over cameron. She giggles and notices him waking up. She runs downstairs and hides. "What the fuck." she heard cameron say. She hears him come down and starting laughing,she came out of hiding and instantly regretted it when she saw the rage on his face. "You stupid fucking bitch! Why did you do this!?" He yelled at her walking closer to her making her back up into the wall. "I..I..--You what bitch?!" He cut her off making her jump. "I just wanted to have fun!" She said back loudly. He laughed, "Oh i'll show you fun." He picked her up and sat her on the dining room table. He rips off her hoodie and pauses, "What the fuck is this?!" He said referring to the scars on her arms. "Scars.." He rolls his eyes and kisses her roughly, "Cameron stop please." She said between kisses.. "No." he too off her shorts and underwear and without any warning he rammed himself inside of her making her cry out in pain. When he finished he pushed her away and went upstairs to soon come down and leave without saying where he was going. Nova curled up in a ball on the floor and cried. She was regretting ever letting him back into her life.

-picture is Nova and title is from its all your fault by p!nk.

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