Syrup Is Still Syrup In A Sippy Cup.

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Nova woke up in Anthony's bed a little confused. She sat up but instantly winced. All she could remember is Cameron hitting her and everything going black. She could also remember hearing Harley whimper.

"Careful... He hit you.. and hard too." Anthony said rushing to her side with a glass of water. Nova took a drink, "Where is he?" She asked. "You don't need to worry about it." Anthony said. "What did you do!?" Nova raised her voice at him. "Calm down he's where he belongs, i called the cops on him." Anthony told her. "So you didn't hurt him?" She calmed down a little. "No I actually hit him. A lot. His face was pretty bloody." Nova could feel her self crying. She didn't know why she even cared for Cameron after what he did to her but she did. " I need to go home." She said as she got up and put her shoes on and grabbing Harley. "But Nova your hurt." "I don't give a shit Anthony take me home." Anthony sighed as he got up and got his shoes on and his car keys from the table.

Nova was already outside with Harley leaning against his car thinking about what'd she'd do when she got home.

It was a fifteen minute drive until she was home. "Nova I'll be back later, I'm trusting you to be safe." Anthony said. "I'm not making promises I can't keep." She said as she got out of the car before he could respond. She walked in her house and sat Harley down. The smell of cigarettes greeting her like a warm hug. She picked up a pack of cigarettes and took one out. She walked to her kitchen. After lighting her cigarette and poured her self a glass of cheep six dollar red wine. After that she made her way up the stairs, to the roof where all her memories with Cameron rested. She sat on the roof finishing her glass of wine and her cigarette, after she had she went back inside opening her desk drawer were her baggy of weed sat along with a lighter. She went to her closet and got out her bong, then went to her bed and started smoking, letting the smoke take away her pain as it filled her lungs.

She sat up and looked over at a picture of her and Anthony. She sighed, she use to have the biggest crush on him. The more she thought about it she realized that she was in some sort of love with him. It was strange for her to admit. She Nova, loved Anthony .

-picture is Nova and Anthony, title is from silly cup by Melanie Martinez.

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