Best friends means forever cunt

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Against All Odds

Cameron had spent the night with Nova and it was now the day of her party, well night since they both slept in all day. Nova got out of bed and looked in her closet for something to wear. As she was looking Cameron crept up behind her and put his hands over her eyes. "Guess who?" he whispered. "I know it's you Cam, you're the only one here." "Damn it." He laughed. Nova turned around and smiled at him, "Get dressed please.", "Mmm rather not." He pushed her back so her back was pressed firmly against the wall. Nova smirked and rested her arms on his shoulders, "What are you getting us into?" She asked. "Some fun." He replied before pressing his lips firmly against hers. Their lips moved slowly together in a perfect rhythm. He stopped kissing her lips and moved to her neck. "Cam.." She whispered he looked up at her with his forest green eyes. "Yes?" He said. "I have only two hours." He smiled at her, "It won't take long...Maybe.. It's fine you'll be beautiful either way." Nova smiled He snaked his hands under her shirt and unclasped her bra with ease. Nova gave in since there was no point in refusing.

Cameron led her to the bed, his hands exploring her exposed body sending chills up and down her spine. She pressed her against him as they kissed, making him want to gain control so he flipped them over so he was on top. Nova let out a moan basically begging for him. She craved his touch, his kisses, just him in general. He moved his way down and played with her breasts, sucking and gently biting her nipples, teasing her. He sat up slightly and grabbed a condom from her bed side table. As he put it on Nova slipped her panties off and tossed them to the side. Cameron leaned down and kissed Nova before spreading her legs and entering her all the way not bothering to take it slow. Nova moaned loudly as she dug her nails into his back. With every thrust she could feel herself getting closer and closer. Loud moaning and heavy breathing echoed through her bedroom.

They finished just in time for Nova to quickly do her makeup and throw on a dress. The dress was a rainbow beaded top with a sweetheart neck line and a black skirt that went mid thigh. Her hair was pin straight as always and her make up was dark and sexy. As it always was. Nova stepped out of her bathroom and back into her room, "You look beautiful." Cameron said from her bed. "Oh hush, get dressed and come downstairs." Nova walked down the steps and into her kitchen, she was getting cups ready along with alcohol.

A knock at the door made Nova jump she didn't expect someone to be here so early. She walked over and answered the door. "Anthony!" She said happily. She stepped aside and he walked in. "Why so early?" She asked, it wasn't exactly really early it was just fifteen minutes before everyone would come rushing in. "I wanted to see you, I can't stay though." Nova frowned a little, "Oh." "I have work that's the only reason why." He said, but that was in fact a lie. He just didn't like Nova's shitty friends. He also didn't like the fact all Nova was going to do tonight was drink and smoke weed to get high off her ass. He didn't approve and he wished Nova would ask for help and talk to someone; not just someone, him.

Just as Anthony walked out Mariela walked in with the weed everyone who was smoking tonight was going to smoke. Nova's mood switched to kinda sad to super happy and excited she grabbed the bag of already rolled blunts and grabbed a lighter. She walked over to the couch motioning for Mariela to follow, she took out one blunt for them to share and lit it up immediately taking a hit. As she blew out the smoke and coughed she handed over the blunt to Mariela. That went on for ten minutes until everyone else got here and the music started.

Nova was dancing and laughing until she needed to go upstairs to her room, She walked in and she saw Mariela on top off Cameron. "Cam!" She yelled tears brimming her eyes. "What?" He asked as if he was doing nothing wrong. "You're fucking cheating! Get the fuck out! Both of you!" Nova stood too the side and pointed downstairs.

In the hurt and confusion on if what just happened was real, Nova ran downstairs and grabbed a bottle of alcohol and ran out of her house. She didn't know where she was going to go, she just knew she had to get away from there.

-picture Nova. Title from sleep with one eye open by bring me the horizon.

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