I'm laughing, I'm crying It feels like I'm dying

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Against All Odds

It's been a few weeks since Nova hung out with Mariela, she's been going to parties every weekend. It's basically people from school that give out open invitations. School ended about a month ago and she graduated with flying colors. Her dad is about to get real sick of her soon and since she's able to move out he can kick her out and not feel bad about it. She knew he was disappointed in her behavior and made her feel like shit, but of course she also didn't give a fuck and she continued the shitty behavior.

Nova sat up in bed and put out the joint she was smoking and went on Facebook. She never really used this site it was basically useless. She got on and checked a message she had from the one person who messaged her; Anthony.

She said thanks to his birthday wish and he told her he'd see her for her big party on Saturday. She said okay and closed the Facebook tab and opened the YouTube one to listen to music. She leaned over as she was humming along and got a cigarette butt out of her ashtray. "I really need to kick this bad habit." she whispered to her self as she lit it. She took a drag and sighed. Her life was basically crashing down to nothing. She was trying to write songs for the band but nothing was coming up. She felt lost. She turned over and answered her phone that was blasting her best friends ringtone, "The way by Ariana Grande. "Hello." she said. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!" Cameron said. Nova laughed before answering, "Thanks fag." "Can I come over?" He asked her, "Totally!" They said their goodbyes and hung up. After that Nova got out of bed and got dressed. She even decided to use an hour to curl her hair. After that she looked out of her window and saw Cameron getting out of his car. She opened it and smiled. "My fag is here!" Cameron looked up and laughed. "My bitch!" He walked through her front door and ran up to Nova's room where she was sitting on her roof smoking. "How did you get out here so fast?" He said as he climbed out. "I actually fell when I was pulling my head inside." She laughed. "How are you so fucking clumsy?" Cameron asked shaking his head. "I think it's all the alcohol, it never leaves my system completely." Nova put out her cigarette and sighed. "What's wrong?" He asked her. "I just feel like shit when I don't drink or smoke. It sucks. I want to be normal but normal scares me." Cameron pulled her in and sighed, "Look I think your awesome and gorgeous. You're not going over bored. At least I don't think." Nova smiled a little and tried not to push her feelings onto him. Cameron wasn't really all that good at making people feel better. He had this do whatever you want as long as you're not murdering people type of attitude. "So why did you come over?" Nova asked putting a cigarette in her mouth. "To do this." Cameron pulled the cigarette out of her mouth and kissed her. He pulled away and looked down. "Look if you don't feel the same I-- Nova cut him off by grabbing his head close and kissing him hard. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "Cam I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I am so glad you kissed me." "Really?" He asked unsure. "Yes you big idiot." She said as she playfully slapped him. He smiled, "I really thought you didn't feel the same." "You're blind to other peoples feelings as am I, But you're even blinder." Nova told him. "You should be my girlfriend." He blurted out. Nova looked at him, "I'd be an idiot to say no." She leaned over and kissed him one more time before going inside with Cameron following closely. Nova sat on her bed looking at her phone. Cameron crawled next to her and slowly pulled her phone out her hands. He pushed her on her back and kissed her slowly moving his way down; just as things were getting serious She could hear Damien's voice downstairs. "Fuck" Nova groaned. She rolled off of her bed and too her feet. Walking out of her room and slowly down the steps.

"What in the fuck do you guys want?" She asked Damien noticing other people were there. "Band practice." Kai said as he plopped his self onto the couch. "Right, I have some lyrics down, they're not much but it's something." Nova said scratching the back of her neck. "You? Wrote a song?" Kai laughed. "Yeah I did fuck wad." she said putting her hands on her hips. "The notebook is on the coffee table, go ahead and look." She told them. Damien picked up the notebook and started reading. "I get the vibe you're going for, I think we can come up with something awesome." Damien told her still reading. "Okay cool. To be totally honest with you guys I have someone upstairs." Hayden looked up and laughed. "Go back up there then."

Just as Nova was turning around to go back up stairs Cameron was coming down, "Hey, I need to go to work. Sorry babe." He kissed her head and waved as he left. "You're dating Cameron?" Damien asked. Nova looked down and blushed. "Yeah I am. Wait.. have you assholes forgot what today is?" She asked. "Wednesday?" Kai said. Nova sighed sadly. "No the date." Damien thought for a minute, his eyes widening at the sudden realization, "It's June eighteenth, your birthday." "Fuck happy birthday Nova, I'm sorry." Kai said. "It's cool guys, I don't even think my dad remembered. He's on business but still." She sat on the bottom stair and sighed. "Hey, it's summer, we're busy we didn't mean to forget.." Hayden told her. Nova looked up, "It's not that guys. I'm fine. Just fine." She got up and went upstairs to get a cigarette. She lit it up and took a drag, her thoughts were getting the best of her again.

-picture is Damien, title is lyrics from pity party by Melanie Martinez.

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