four | secret relationship

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"cause I have hella feelings for you"

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"cause I have hella feelings for you"

-blackbear, "idfc"


Seeing as Henley had a free period, she was walking around Hogwarts. Chase had free too, but he was in the library finishing homework due for McGonagall. Henley had already finished it, she was the only one in her dorm that wasn't gossiping about Potter - leading to her finishing the essay. With no certain destination in mind, Henley gazed outside of the Hogwarts windows watching as birds flew over the Black lake.

"Henley," a voice called out to her in surprise. Turning her head barely and inch, she saw, in all his glory, Harry Potter. He was adored in his Gryffindor robes, but his tie wasn't perpetual to the rest of his robes. His hair was a long mess and his glasses were askew. It wasn't new for the Potter boy, he was a mess. Giving him a small smile, Henley turned back to watching the breeze. Harry leaned out the window next to hers. "Do you have class?"

"Free," Henley breathed in the clear air that came from the Forbidden Forest. The sun was hitting her face in rays, taking her to her own little piece of bliss. Glancing back at Harry her hair covered one of her eyes, she asked him with a slight condescending smirk. "What about you? Don't you have to study up for the tasks?"

Clenching his fists, Harry attempted to ignore her jest. He hoped that she meant it jokingly because if he had to deal with another Ron, Harry was going to explode. Adding on, Harry didn't understand why people would think he would want to volunteer to compete: he had enough money to last him ten-times over and he was set in the glory department - killing Voldemort does that to a kid. "Potions."

"Skiving off," she laughed, smiling at him. Harry loosened up, realizing she was trying to ease the tension. Shaking his head, Harry gave her an awkward smile. He didn't understand why he had such a hard time talking to girls; his social skills excelled when he was with Hermione and the other boys from Gryffindor, perhaps he needed to expand who he spoke to.

Holding out the note that he received in Potions, Harry passed it to Henley. She accepted it and glanced up at the Potter when he spoke. "I got that note right before I started my potion. Says I have to do an interview, I think. The handwritings a bit. . . curly. I couldn't really understand it."

Laughing and handing the note back, Henley nodded. Her brown eyes were twinkling and her hair blowing to the side as the wind pushed on her face. Harry had to hold his breath to keep from advancing to her, Henley Paxton was too damn beautiful. Henley looked back to the sun, a smile that showed her peaking two front teeth. "That's what it says. Us girls do have curly handwriting."

"That's not - no, I didn't. That's not how I - wait," Harry stammered over his words. He didn't mean for her to take it offensively; the handwriting was in cursive and a woman, with very curly handwriting, had done it. He didn't mean to insult Henley or the rest of the female population, Harry just didn't know how to phrase things.

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