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Note: you can totally skip this chapter it's just a filler with nothing in it.... but don't if you ship NoochZaHutt ;)

Mat is very fluent in cuss words (he doesn't use any really bad ones)
Pete is very fluent in dirty talk
I made Pete bottom because idk

Mat's POV

I walked along the streets following the wave of people with my gray hood up and my hand stuffed in the pockets. Today was not a good day.

While I was wallowing in my own sadness I didn't notice when a woman yelled "thief!" When I did realize it, was when I was on the ground being pushed over by a hooded figure.
"What the fuck dude!" I yell starting to get up wanting to punch him.
"Don't get in my way." He shouts starting to run away.

"Everything's in that purse. Please sir will you help me?" The woman asks as the thief starts moving away.
"Of course, ma'am." It's not like I could say "no I won't" because I might get kicked where the sun don't shine. Trust me, I've seen it happen.

Before I know it, I break into an actual sprint actually gaining on the guy. Why was I actually going after him. "Stop it you little bitch." I yell making him only turn his head and laugh.
"Sassy one I see." He comments before starting to run faster. My legs were on fire, but I kept running catching up my pace.

Actually, I catch up to him. "Fuck." He mutters as I tackle him into the hidden alley with the rather small purse in his hand. It becomes an all out brawl once my body slams into his. He lands under me with a loud thud with his back on the concrete. When it does he lets out a groan and might I say, it was pretty damn hot.

Somehow during all of that his hood falls off showing his face and hair and, just like his voice, it was pretty damn hot. Damn it Mat, don't make yourself have a... problem.

My hands had a tight grip on his biceps and my knees were on his thighs pinning him down. "Jesus dude." The boy under me huffs making me smell his minty breath and oh my God it was hot.... I've been saying that too much about is boy.

"Shut up!" I command trying to keep a problem in my pants from arriving.
"Kinky." He rolls his eyes with a hidden smirk under his look of disgust. He knew what he was doing to me.
"I said shut up." I growl through gritted teeth feeling myself grip onto his biceps more.

"Wait. I know you. You're Nooch."
"N- no I'm not. Who are you even talking about?" I lie cursing at my stutter. Before I could say anything else he pushes me up and against a nearby wall. I groan on contact feeling the cold bricks sting my back through my hoodie.
"God baby. That just turned me on so much." He whispers, his voice deeper turning me own. "My name is Pete, and why don't you come over and you can come show me how kinky you actually are." His hot breathe sends shivers through my body as his teeth trace the shell of my ear.

"What's stopping me from taking you right here in this alley?" I ask in a similar way feeling a surge of confidence go through me.
"Eager aren't we? Well, I don't think you want people to overhear me screaming your name. Don't worry. My walls are soundproof." How could this damn boy make something so formal sound so dirty? I'm not sure, but it only turns me on more.

"Are you a virgin?" Before I can think about it. Of course this boy isn't a virgin. Right now, he was turning me on in an alley and I asked him if he's a virgin?!
"Nope, but I'll happily be your bitch." His lips brush against my neck making my knees feel weak, but I couldn't let him have dominance.

I take my hands and push him forward, across the alley so he's up against the other wall. "Can't wait, baby." I kiss his cheek leaving him there speechless.

Just imagine Mat somehow knows where he lives irdc
I'm honestly just putting off the next Merome encounter lik that'll be so awkward and ugh I'm dreading it
If, for some reason, you want me to write actual smut between these two I will after I end it and make it like an extra chapter maybe but Im going for ten chapters like the other two books but like an *11 would be fine
I'm not sure if it would actually be kinky like those are so awkward but idk

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