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since no one really commented (besides that one person so said they don't care thanks babe :D) I'm doing the TC one
Warning: violence and death of characters

Mitch's POV




Everything I could find was deleted and I searched through the drawers finding multiple flash drives and stuff them into my pockets hoping this was their only backups. The smoke was fading as I unplugged all the computers and smashed them with a nearby empty gun. Trying not to make too much noise.

This should do it.

I leave everything else untouched swiftly moving out the backdoor. My heart was racing as I continued to run, smiling, knowing did something good at least. But, my smile soon fell seeing all of them holding a gun to the back of Jerome's head whole was on his knees I front of them. My heart was pounding even faster as I tried thinking of a plan. Then it comes to me.

I let out a low whistle making them all distracted,but Jerome's eyes showed he knew what he was doing. He starts to get up before another sound fills the air sending us all into shock.

Police sirens.

3rd POV

Everyone stood in shock not knowing who the police were called for. Maybe both. Mitch quickly runs up next to Jerome, with his gun still in his hand ready to shoot anything. "Truce?" Jerome pleads.
"Truce." Ian confirms and the shake hands before they all his behind inside the warehouse. Mitch took ahold of Jerome's hand squeezing it slightly making Jerome smile subtly hearing the police pull up. Him and Jerome were on the left side while TC was on the left.

Jerome thought about throwing a bomb out, but then they would just bring in more police, and at some point, most likely the FBI. "I love you." Jerome mutters kissing Mitch on the lips.
"I love you too, but we'll get through. Together. Okay?"
"I never doubted we would." Jerome lies with a heart warming smile.

"This is the Police!" They yell through a megaphone. "Please come out with your hands up!"
"In your dreams, bastards!" Jason yells making Mitch hold back a laugh.
"We will shoot!" They respond obviously not as pleased as Mitch.

"So will we!" Jerome shouts cocking his gun. Hopefully the walls were bulletproof.

All hell broke loose when Ryan fired the first shot missing the police officers. Shots boomed with both of the sides. "Jason!" Quentin yells followed by a thud making him drop his own gun. Jason was gone. Everyone knew it, but Quentin wouldn't accept it.

"Guys!" Mitch yells shielding himself as he ran over to the computers picking one up. He walked more slowly back over and threw it overhead towards the police officers hitting one square in the forehead. He was for sure gone.

More police sirens start to wail sending them all into more of a panic, and they were running out of amo. "Guys!" Jerome shouts catching their attention, but they still shoot. "Run. I'll hold them back." Ian, Ryan, and a red-eyed Quentin all look at each other before hugging Jerome and running out the back thanking him. "Mitch go!" He commands turning his boy and shooting another round before coming back to reload, but he was out of amo. They were hopeless.

"Jerome, you know I can't." Mitch says with tears in his eyes. "I promised we'd get out of this. I won't let that promise go." He kisses Jerome again making him drop his gun. Mitch's amo was gone and the only weapon they could use were bombs, and they knew they didn't want to.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Let's go out with a bang yeah? Jerome suggests tears free from his eyes.
"Yeah. Together." They kiss longer than they ever have before Jerome picks up his gun. He walks out to the open with Mitch following.
"Put the gun down and your hands above your head! The chief police offer (*cough Vik's dad cough*) yells, but Jerome doesn't so he repeats his statement.
"I love you." Jerome mutters again taking ahold of his hand.
"I love you too." Mitch responds squeezing it.

Jerome raises the gun.

It was out of amo.

The police didn't know that.

Jerome and Mitch close their eyes.

The sounds of the shots boom.

Two solid thuds.


Jason is dead.
I'm going
to go cry.
He is my baby.

Anyone else think of the Outsiders at the end? Not like the very end but you know what I mean if you've read/seen the book/movie

Enemy {Merome}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ