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Fun fact: I didn't get to fit it in here but the guy who gave Jerome his assignment to kill Mitch was intended to be Vik's dad :D hahahahhahahahahahah

Btw this is basically the closure of the whole series
Also I kind of made Preston seem like a housewife I'm sorry I didn't mean to just go with it plz
Just go with everything because idk how this would work out irl

3rd Person
Vik and Lachlan left the country.

Preston and Rob left the state.

Jerome and Mitch left the world.

"Lachlan! Oh my God Lachlan!" Vik practically screams e hoeing  (it's echoing but it autocorrected and I found it funny because I thought of the other type of hoe) through the apartment.
"Vik!? What's wrong?" Lachlan yells running towards the voice of his husband. He finds him standing in front of the TV his mouth open slightly. "Vik?" Lachlan continues in a quieter tone resting hand on the shorter's shoulder. Lachlan looks over his head looking at the tv seeing the news headline.

Three of the US's most wanted men: dead


"Rob? You okay?" Preston calls out from the kitchen. He had asked his husband what he wanted to dinner five minutes ago and he never responded. "Rob?" He calls out again looking up seeing Rob's eyes glued to the TV screen. Rob's watched tv many times, but has always responded when Preston asked him something. It was like Rob was in a trance. He walks into the living room concerned, "sweetie? Are you ok-" he gasps reading the headline flashing on the bottom of the screen. "Oh my God."

Leader of the Los Santos gang: dead.


Adam leaned back in his chair running his him after watching the news.

He caused this.

He never meant for them to die, and Jerome must've known there was some risk to this; if Jerome didn't care he wouldn't have agreed right? Maybe he was just trying to get himself out of the hole of guilt.

He sighed running a hand through his hair before picking up the phone. "Yes Los Santos police department." He pauses as the police officer tells him to hold, luckily not recognizing his voice. Why would they anyway? He's been under the radar for almost a decade. Soon, a different voice picks up, and he recognizes it to be the chief.
"Yes?" The chief asks with a small sigh.
"The bodies of Jerome Aceti and Mitchell Hughes. I'd like to host an actual funeral and burying if you'd let me have their bodies."

two months later (idk paperwork and stuff I'm not sure how long it would actually take or if they'd even let them do it)

"Mitchell Hughes was a noble man. Even though he was a sarcastic and mean bitch most of the time, he was like a brother to me. One day he would yell at me, but at the same time, be there and protect me. He was a piece of work, but I wouldn't of wanted him any other way. Besides, if it weren't for him, I would never have met the love of my life." By this time Rob was trying to hold back tears, since everyone else had waterfalls.

The double funeral was very small and secluded. Only a small handful of people were there, and none of them were even their families. Really, it was just Lachlan, Vik, Rob, Preston, Adam, and what's left of Team Crafted. Rob and Lachlan were pretty pissed when Mat didn't show up for Mitch.

Not even a priest was there since neither were very religious. They didn't really want to get Jason's body just yet, but they, especially Quentin, intended to and have a funeral for him too. They were waiting for the tension from the police to die down.

Vik went up surprising pretty much everyone, but he had something he wanted to say.
"First off, I kind of knew Jerome. Well, I've heard of him before. My dad would speak of either him or Mitch whenever he got home and God it annoyed me so much. But I really came up here to talk about Mitch." Vik felt a pang of guilt not talking about Jerome since no one else really knew him. Heck, Team Crafted didn't technically know either (Adam merely knew Jerome from their encounter and only heard of Mitch), they just felt it was right to pay their respects. I mean they did kind of save their lives.


"Anyway. At first I thought Mitch was a bitch. Hey that rhymed. Okay, but seriously, he was a bitch. I though he was a bitch when we left, but slowly it dawned on me, if it weren't for Mitch, I never would've met Lachlan, and I would never be truly happy. I never thought we'd meet like this again. I thought my dad would call me and be like "I caught that bastard!" but the call never came. We found out over the news. I have a lot to thank Mitch for, even if he never intended me to end up this way. I wouldn't want it any other way. Rest in Peace you little bitch."

such a great way to end the series am I right?
Ugh this series is so special to me because it's really my first big writing project and I'm so proud I actually ended it. Like at first I thought I would give up BUT HERE I AM SUCKERS HAAHHAHAHAHAHA
Should I post a note to the other books? I'm not sure if people care... I kind of want to especially for Victim because Vik got hella sassy at the end xD
Idk I feel like I'm going to regret ending it like this in the end... oh well FUTURE ME JUST REMEMBER YOU DIDINT REGRET THIS WHEN YOU WROTE IT
anyway... this is the end you guys ;-; I love you all so much!!!
- love,

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