Seven x

498 33 9

Random note: when saving chapters I'll type random letters and I typed in "Fkc" and it auto corrected to KFC and idk I'm laughing 😂

Warning in middle of the chapter READ IT

Jerome's POV

I didn't want this to take up our time so I talk no time to make my home and walk into the bedroom. Mitch starts throwing sarcastic comments my way, but his words just floated away because I had a plan; I couldn't get sidetracked. I grab the key and unlock on of his handcuffs. "Aww does Jerome trust me now?" Mitch teases, but it just rolls of my back.

I release his other hand and next thing, he's lunging for me, but he wouldn't get me that easy. My hands grip around his neck and bring him back to the mattress. My knees were on his thighs and I made it so my elbows were on his biceps. He was putty in my head.

Then I notice something that I'd never thought I'd see. When I look at his face, he looks.... scared. His face was flushed to a pale, milk white. Her lips were red, like all the blood went from his face and to his lips and I swear for a second that I wanted to kiss them. The most obvious giveaway of his fear were his eyes. They were bigger and rounder. More like a circle than an almond. (THAT SOUNDED SO WEIRD IM CHOKING) His regular deep, mysterious brown now had an amber tint to it.

He looked so vulnerable as his chest heaved up and down. As if he was just a small puppy under a viscous attack dog.

I quickly shake all of my thoughts sway keeping a firm, but not choking, grip on him. "Listen, Hughes. I have a proposal for you and if we succeed we'll both be rich, and since you have no one else, I'm guessing you'll need this money." Mitch looks at me, still, as if he were a deer in the headlights, but nods quickly. "We're in this together okay? I'm only doing this since the pay out is larger. For both of us. 8 mil total. Five mil for me three for you." I mean I was the one who Adam gave the offer to anyway.

"Why do you want to work with me you bastard?" Mitch retorts suddenly gaining some confidence.
"Because you're all I got right now jackass."


Warning: smut not like real stuff just a bj but I needed something since the top part was only 350 words and why not 😂
just read the end where there's stars so you'll know the whole thing about it idk just read it

Mitch's POV
Jerome and I have been on the computer all day since his little tech dweeb (no offense techy people you can change the world just remember that) hasn't come back. I tried calling Mat, but he wouldn't answer. Does that jackass even worry about me? Finding nothing, I look at the clock seeing it's midnight and I groan tired as fuck. "What?" Jerome questions spinning around in his chair.
"Just tired. Can we take a break or something? I'm shit tired." I explain with another groan.

"I know what can relief some stress." Jerome suggests with a smirk and arched eyebrow. My stomach drops knowing what he's talking about, but at the same time, I wanted it.
"Oh do you?" I respond quite flirtatiously. Oh shit, Mitch.

"Come on." He picks me up scaring me at the sudden height change, but grow to it pretty much dangling in his arms. God this man was strong. He/we walk to the bedroom and sets me on the bed. I gasp as his lips suddenly clash into mine not feeling like this in forever. Yeah, Jerome made out with me that one time, but this was different. The meaning behind it was different. The kiss set off a spark in my stomach I hoped would never extinguish.

I didn't realize my eyes were closed until I open them seeing him not there, but then a shiver runs through my body feeling something on my neck. My eyes trail down seeing Jerome and I let out a Mona because of him and because of the feeling. My stomach churning and bursting at the same time and I felt I could explode. "Je- Jerome." I groan out feeling him bite at the mark mercilessly.

The only things I could feel were his hand on my hips, his lips on my neck, and the feeling of internal combustion inside my chest.

Articles of my clothing fall to the floor leaving me in my boxers and my dog tag around my neck. My member was as hard on as it could be with countless small bruises littering my upper half. Jerome hooks one of his finger under the waistband of my boxers deviously pulling them down slowly killing me softly.

"Jerome!" I whimper making him softly chuckle at my whine of anticipation.
"Eager much, doll?" He teases kissing my neck again only making me whine more leaving my member still clothed.
"Please." I plead.

"Whatever you want, love." He finally pulls my boxers to my ankles and lowers down taking the tip of my member into his mouth. His tongue licks around the tip making my body want to arch up, but I resist not wanting to make him gag or anything. Slowly his mouth goes down taking more and more of my shaft into his mouth.

Without thinking, my hips start to buck making him take all of me but he doesn't gag. "Fuck." I breathe out panting slightly. Experienced little bitch.

He bobs his head blowing air making shivers run through my body. Slowly the knot in my stomach unravels making my high begin. "Jerome!" I warn and he must've gotten the message since he stops and hums softly making me tip over coming in his mouth.

My breathes were deep as he swallows my seed easily licking his swollen lips. "Good job, babe now go get back to work because I got a problem I have to take care of."

Smuts over :D
What you need to know:
they start work on trying to find Ian's hideout and stuff

• Mitch starts wondering about Mat (I'm not sure if I'll be able to fit in that Mitch and Jerome find out their tech guy is the same person idk yet)

• When they kissed Mitch felt a spark *wink wink*

• Mitch actually cares about Jerome hinted at him not trying to... I'll just leave that there but just know that and Jerome does too I just couldn't fit that very well into this chapter

I HAVE ALL THE CHAPTERS PLANNED OUT AND NEXT CHAPTER WILL HAVE SOME COOL STUFF THEN THE (okay I'll stop with caps sorry) chapter after that will have a fight scene then the chapter after that and then the finale and then... ugh I'm going to die

Please read these two small notes they're really important to me :D :

BUT SERIOUSLY I was screaming earlier because I was reading the descriptions of these again AND I STARTED VICTIM RIGHT AS SUMMER STARTED AND NOW ENEMY IS ENDING RIGHT AS SCHOOL BEGINS (well school has been in for a month but idc)

Also I promised I'd start the language series once I published chapter seven of this book and guess quoi????? (Sorry inside joke with my French class) :D :D :D

Enemy {Merome}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat