Take One

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Nicki wrung her wrists as she looked out into the crowd. Twenty-two, she was a senior at a performing arts college and between all of her jobs and baby-sitting, she had no life outside of acting and she was just waiting for her big break.

She peaked from behind the velvet curtains.

"Nic, you'll do fine stop being nervous. This is what? Your fortieth play?" Lauren asked her.

"Yes but there's fucking HOLLYWOOD scouts, producers, directors and cast crew members out there."

"Okay and? Just give it your one hundred like you usually do and you'll be fine. You're Nicki. The star of the fucking school so chill."

"Okay." Nicki gave her a reassuring smile.

"We start in fifteen seconds." someone blared through Lauren's walkie-talkie.

"I've never seen Romeo and Juliet come to such heights. And the urban twist you put on it was great! You're casting was wonderful. Especially Juliet. She was absolutely stunning." Nicki heard an executive producer talking to her instructor.

"Thank you Jim. Oh there she is now. Nicki darling, I have someone I want you to meet." Nicki walked over to the couple and shook Jim's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Nicki beamed still in her costume.

"The pleasure is all mine. I was just telling your teacher how amazing you are. If you really want to get into the theatrics and acting you give me a call. It goes straight to my office." he handed her a card with his number scribbled on the back that indeed went straight to his office, skipping the front desk, operator, and secretary.

She took the card smiling ear to ear and he said his goodbyes and walked away.

Nicki and her teacher Mrs. Rashad were engaged in a conversation and Nicki saw a tall gentleman walk up behind her and cover her eyes with her hands. Mrs. Rashad smiled.

"None other than my nephew Aubrey!" she turned around and hugged him. "It's so good to see you!"

"It's good to see you too auntie. And I told you my name is Drake now."

"Oh hush boy. You think because you're all big time Mr. Hollywood producer and director that you won't still get your butt spanked?" his father's sister smiled at him.

He laughed. "Aunt Phylicia, I see you haven't changed."

"No I haven't. And my hand is still strong." she laughed and he had to laugh too. She was absolutely hilarious.

"Look at you. How old are you now twenty-four...five?" she asked him.

"I will be twenty-five in a couple of months."

"Look at you. Growing up. Anyway I have someone for you to meet," she turned back towards Nicki.

"Juliet? What an honor."

"Thank you. My name is Nicki." she shook his hand.

Armani suit. Nice leather shoes. Platinum cuff links. Smells amazing. Sexy. Tall. And those big, bright gorgeous eyes. All these thoughts jumbled Nicki's head and she couldn't keep herself from staring.

"Nice to meet you too. I'm Drake." he smiled at the young woman before him. He thought her performance was amazing and furthermore her beauty was breathtaking. He had to have her.

Phylicia looked at her watch. "Nicki it's time for you to go darling." She knew Nicki had a bad habit of losing track of time on play nights and she had to go to work.

"Okay, nice meeting you."

"Wait, we should exchange contact information. I would love to work with you soon."



"Okay..." She put her number in his phone and quickly walked away.

Phylicia looked at Aubrey and shook her head grinning.

"You are still a piece of work. Nothing but a playboy like your father." she laughed.

It was true.

"Aubrey look," she turned serious. "she's like a daughter to me so don't go being foolish about her."

"I just wanted to do business." he defended himself.

"Yeah right." she smiled.

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