Take Eight

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"What?!" Nicki asked as she picked up the shirt off of the ground.

Lauren explained how she had put it all together and Nicki stood there in shock.

Wow...I thought he was a drug dealer at the most but...he orchestrates a whole underground business and launders BIG money through acting and his production business.

That was all that was on Nicki's mind as she shopped. I told him that I would stick by him but this...this...I really don't know how to deal with. I can't go to anyone about it. Maybe I'll just ask Lauren how she does it. I know it's dangerous for her and I'm not scared. Nothing has happened to me do far so maybe it won't be that bad. I love him. I know that for sure. Maybe love isn't enough...I don't know.

"What did you do when you found out about Jas? Did you question your love for him like I'm doing now?"

"Yeah, I did. But then I thought that love is all we needed and look, we're straight. Nothing has happened to me thus far and he taught me how to protect myself so I'm good. All you have to do Nicki is be down for him. That's all. If you confront him about this, then you have to let him know that you'll hold him down no matter how famous you get, and what the future brings, you have to assure him that you'll be right by his side no matter what and you have to believe in your heart that you won't run when things go haywire because they will. But trust and believe, he'll never let anything happen to you."

"Thanks Laur." Nicki hugged her and the mood lightened up and they continued shopping.

When Nicki got home Drake wasn't home so she showered and sat up waiting for him. Eleven, twelve a.m, one a.m, two a.m. Hours passed and since Nicki had just learned his line of business it was only natural for her to start worrying and crying. Three-twenty two was when she heard his key slide inside of the door-knob.

"What are you still doing up? What's wrong?" he asked as he pulled her into his arms. He had walked past the living room and noticed her on the couch.

"I was worried about you." she breathed a sigh of relief but her voice cracked.

"Who told you?"

She went on to explain how she and Lauren had got on the topic and he understood.

"You're not angry at me for keeping this from you? Scared of me?"


"You're not going to leave?"

"Why would I? I told you that I'd be here. I'm not gonna lie and say that I didn't think about leaving, but I think that love is enough. You're not going to let anything happen to me so why would I leave you? You're what I've been waiting for for so damn long and I'm not gonna let anything come between that. I want to be here with you until the end no matter what." she has tears in her eyes.

He had completely underestimated her and was genuinely taken by surprise at her revelation.

"Whatever you need me for, I'm here. I'll do anything for you. Anything no questions asked and I love you."

"I love you too. And I want you to know that I'm sorry for keeping this from you and there'll never be secrets between us ever again. I'll do anything for you. I'd die for you, I'd kill for you. I'm not trying to scare you, I just want you to know that there is nothing on this Earth that I'm not capable of doing for you." he kissed her softly.

The whole day's events had gone very unexpectedly and had taken a toll on Nicki's mind which made her tired. She was happy when she climbed into bed, rested in Drake's arms and fell asleep.

When she woke up the next morning, she dressed and made breakfast for herself and Drake. After breakfast he left to handle his business. Nicki went to her closet and grabbed the pink leather journal. She made her way to the balcony. The air was thick and breezy. It looked like it was going to rain but she didn't mind. She sat on the chaise in her panties and a tight v-neck shirt. She put on her glasses that she never ever wore and crossed her legs.

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