Take Fourteen

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The next day Nicki went to see his lawyer as planned.

"So to defend him to your best ability, how much do you want?"

"Just to appear in court I need five hundred thousand and to defend him and all of those charges he's facing, you're looking at about four or five million."

"Do you want cash or check?" she had expected the price to be much higher. It wasn't like she didn't have the money.

"Check please."

Nicki pulled out her checkbook and also a sheet of paper.

"Can you sign here please?"

"What does it say?"

"That you will defend Aubrey to the best of your ability and if you don't you won't be able to get another job in the states ever." Nicki said simply. She was done playing games.

"Okay." he signed the paper.

"Can you please see if they will let him out on bond? And that he has a speedy trial?"

"What do you need him home so soon for?"

"Not that it's any of your business but I'm pregnant and I would like him home."

"I'll see to it."

"I need you to do it right now."

While he was on the phone Nicki was deep in thought. She needed to know how she could get some of his charges lifted.

I have to do what I have to do. Pay who I have to pay and make my money back. Nicki knew it was going to cost a lot of money to get him the smallest sentence possible but she didn't mind. She finally accepted the fact that he would have to go away. He wasn't going to get off free but she was preparing herself for the long nights alone.

With all of this going on Nicki couldn't take up any offers in her acting career. Especially with a baby on the way. But she did know how she could make her money back. She would have to call Drake's Uncle G. That was Drake's connect and she was going to take care of his business while he was locked down. She knew it wasn't the best decision to make being that it was the exact reason why he was in jail but she promised him and even though he told her she didn't have to, she was going to show him how loyal to him she was.

The man snapped Nicki out of her thoughts. "He cannot be released."

"I figured. What about his trial."

"Rest assured, it will be as speedy as possible. Is that all?"

"Yes sir." Nicki stood and shook his hand.

"Nice meeting you." he said as she left.

Nicki wiped away the tears as she drove through the rain. Her stomach grumbled so she stopped and got something to eat. People were in awe to see her at the restaurant. She didn't want to be rude to her fans so she signed a few autographs, got her food and left.

When she got home she showered and then ate. After that she put on her glasses, grabbed her journal and set in the middle of she and Drake's bed.

I'm so worried about him that I keep forgetting about the life growing inside of me. I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight. I'm so emotionally drained that if I do sleep I probably won't dream. I hope I don't dream because I'll just have nightmares of something bad happening to him while he's in jail.

All I know is once his Uncle G calls me back, I have to make his money and I'm more than happy to do so. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna get Ashley to help me. That bitch owes me. Sometimes I find myself getting dressed because I want to find her and make her hurt just as much as I'm hurting right now but then I think about what I would gain from that. Nothing.

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