Take Seventeen: Happily Ever After

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A couple of weeks later, once again Abel came in Nicki's room telling her what his father said.

"Maybe you should take him to the doctor."

"Are you saying that my child is crazy?"

"No. Nicki you know I didn't mean it like that." he lied but he did.

"I guess I can but I don't want them acting like he belongs in an asylum."

"He doesn't. Maybe he just has ADHD or something."

"Maybe." Nicki said. A few minutes later Nicki hung up and fell asleep.


"Abel come on!" Nicki yelled from downstairs. She had finally scheduled his appointment.

"Mommy, when can we go see nana?"

"When I'm done with this movie."


The doctors couldn't find anything wrong and told Nicki it was probably just his imagination. After his doctor's appointment Nicki decided to go visit Tank.

She knocked on the door but was taken aback when a woman answered.

"May I help you?"

"Yes is Tank in?"

"What would you need with my husband?" the woman asked full of attitude. "You look familiar."

"Husband?! Wow. I co-star in a movie with him...this is crazy but how is Tank your husband when we've been together for months now?"


"Wow, I'm just as shocked as you are. Umm, I apologize. I didn't know. I'll leave."

"No. No. We gone get this straight right now."

"There's nothing to get straight. I just told you. So I guess he was cheating on both of us. Don't worry, I won't be contacting him again."


After the movie was done Nicki decided to head to Toronto. She needed to get away after having her heart broken. She told Sandi she was driving but then at the last minute decided to take a plane. For the past few months Abel hadn't said anything else about his father.

"Abel come on. Get your bag." she handed him his little carry-on and then got the rest of their luggage.

She drove to Sandi's house knowing she was probably out at the school. She had never stopped teaching even though Drake had always begged her to.

"Come on." Nicki grabbed his hand and used her key to get in the house.

No one was home as she expected. She took their stuff up to the guest room and as soon as she fed Abel, he was out, sleeping in no time.

Nicki showered and as always she ventured downstairs to Drake's room but this time she was confused.

His bed wasn't made up how she had left it and Sandi said the only person who had the guts to go down there was her. But still, his bed looked as if someone had been sleeping in it and Nicki hadn't been there.

She looked around the room and found a lot of things out of place and was really confused when she saw the photos of herself and Abel hanging on the wall.

Maybe the prison sent back Aubrey's belongings and she hung them in here. Nicki thought to herself.

She heard the front door open and close. Nicki smiled thinking it was Sandi. She quietly made her way up the stairs to surprise her but stopped when she heard heavy footsteps in the kitchen instead of the clicking of Sandi's heels.

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