Take Ten

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I love you. Nicki sent Drake a text. The crew was sitting on the beach in front of a fire sharing relationship stories. Nicki was sitting with Courtne because Safaree had made her mad earlier. Courtne had told him to be back at the beach villa on time so they could go on a date but he was late so they didn't go.

Lol. Was Drake's reply.

Nicki looked up at him. He was really laughing.

She glared at him and stood up.

Everyone was confused.

"Babe come here, I'm just playing." he grabbed her hand and she snatched it away. He pulled her down onto his lap.

Nicki pushed him onto the sand and put her hands around his neck. "Say you're sorry."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't think you really are. That shit was not funny."

"I'm sorry and I love you."

She smiled and sat on him. "I love you too."

Nicki leaned down and kissed him but he wanted more. He deepened the kiss and everyone shook their heads and continued on with their normal conversation.

"Well, we could have a fair vote if two people I know would stop fucking and join the group." Lauren rolled her eyes.

Nicki turned around and looked at everyone. She smiled when she saw that Courtne and Safaree had made up.

"Damn, hold on." Nicki smiled and turned back to Drake. She gave him one last kiss. After that she climbed off of him and let him sit up before sitting comfortably between his legs.

"I've got it all figured out. You two are the horny couple, Safaree and Courtne are the couple that always argues and Jas and I are the laid back couple. Needless to say, if we were in a scary movie, y'all niggas would probably be murdered first. More than likely in the middle of a sex scene." Lauren laughed and everyone else did too because they agreed with her one hundred percent.

"Anyway," Courtne began and waited to have everyone's attention. "Safaree and I want to play hide and go seek. Lauren and Jas want to play strip poker." "The only catch is, hide and go seek is in the dark, no rules and if you're caught by your partner you have to remove an item of clothing of their choosing. You two freaks might try to catch each other on purpose. Every person for themselves." Courtne looked at Drake and Nicki.

"Y'all gon stop fucking with us." Nicki gave them a straight face.

"It's fine. You two do enough of that on your own." Jas laughed.

"Imma kick your ass." Nicki looked at him.

"Well, you'll just have to kick my ass first." Lauren smirked and Nicki jumped on top of her the same way she did Drake.

"Get offa me you lesbo!"

"Nope. I kinda like it here." Nicki smiled and Drake and Jas didn't even move. They both gave each other looks of approval and then laughed.

"Aight bae, that's enough. Just be sure to remember that position later tonight." Drake picked Nicki up and tossed her over his shoulder. Once he got near enough to the house to ensure he wouldn't be last, he yelled behind him.

"Last person in the house is it!"

He put Nicki on her feet and they turned off all sources of light.

"You're not gonna let me hide with you?" Nicki whispered. Safaree was counting to fifty.

"Of course. Come on." he grabbed her hand. They went in the closet in the room that was used as the home office.

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