Take Thirteen

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"Aubrey promise me no matter what happens, you'll always come back for me and I promise to hold you down no matter what." Nicki looked at him. She had been having a feeling that soon something bad would happen.

"I'll always come back for you Onika. You're my heart."


"Really Santos?! You're going to wait until the day before their wedding to get him?! Do you know how much that's going to hurt her?! Why can't you do it now? I've already turned the evidence in just please. You're going to ruin her life."

"Well, the bitch is getting was she has coming. Sitting on her high horse just because he got her out of Queens."

"There's more to it than that. You're jealous of her aren't you? You know her?"

"We went to highschool together. Never liked her but that has nothing to do with this. Doesn't change the fact that he's guilty."

"Well I think it has a lot to do with the way you're going about this. Can't you just wait until after their honeymoon at least? Nicki's already sick. Their wedding is in two days. Please."

"Get the bitch a pregnancy test. I'm not waiting for shit. And you better watch your tone because all I have to do is accidentally drop those phone recordings of you leaking information and you and her will be cellmates."

"I don't care what you do to me but you will leave her out of this. She is innocent. She doesn't know anything. Nothing at all and I know that for a fact."

"Fine." Santos grumbled. "But it's too late to change the date, the layout to the hotel has been received and they've already devised a plan. There's no turning back now."

"Do I have to be there when it goes down?"

"Stop being a little bitch. No one told you to catch feelings. That's your personal problem. Yes you have to be there. Tomorrow. Be here at five a.m. to get ready." Santos said then hung up. Ashley was back at her own house. Nicki liked her so much that she invited her to be in her wedding. Ashley was packing her bag to be on her way to the hotel. All of the women were staying in a four bedroom suite and the men were staying in another. Drake's bachelor party was planned for tomorrow night but he wouldn't get to party at all. Ashley knew that. She wish she could tell him but she couldn't.


"So you're not nervous at all?" Lauren asked Nicki. Nicki, Lauren, Candi, Viola, TT, Ashley and Courtne were all getting massages. Sandi, Carol, and Phylicia were sitting in the chairs reading magazines and talking amongst each other.

"Of course I'm nervous but I'm one hundred percent sure I want to spend the rest of my life with him."

"I'm excited for the dress getting delivered today. I can't wait to see it." TT beamed.

"I can't wait for you guys to see it too. I can't believe this is happening. If someone would have told me back in my Red Lobster days that I would be marrying him of all people, I probably would have fainted."

"I hope I can find someone that makes me feel that way." Ashley muttered.

"You will. Trust me, there's someone out there for everyone."

"Do you ever have second thoughts you know? Like everything is too good to be true? Sometimes I get like that with Safaree."

"Faree still has some growing up to do but no. I know Drake would never cheat on me. I used to think that I sounded so stupid saying that when my last boyfriend did but I know Drake wouldn't do that to me. We go through shit that no one knows about. We've crossed so many bridges and honestly I'm ready for anything. Faree loves you. It's just taking him a while to get used to being in a relationship. I know Faree. He wouldn't do that to you Court."

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