Take Two

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For the next few months Nicki worked, worked, worked. She had a feeling that all of the directors she had met really didn't want to work with her and was only being nice.

She was waiting a table at Red Lobster when her manager told her that she had an urgent call. Nicki took her customer's orders and gave them to the chef before rushing to the manager's office.

"This is Onika." she greeted the unknown caller.

"Hi Onika. This is Drake. I met you the night of your performance of Romeo and Juliet."

"Oh hi." she smiled but hoped that she wasn't coming off as desperate.

"How are you?"

"I'm fine."

"Okay I want to get straight to the point since you're working. We're set to start shooting a major motion picture film. With a seventy-five million dollar budget. Only thing is...we don't have our leading lady. We've had six cast callings and none of the six hundred women could do it."

"Six cast callings? Six hundred women? Why didn't you call me before?"

"I just remembered I had your number. So will you be able to make it tomorrow at twelve?"

Nicki looked at her boss. "Umm I have to work tomorrow."

He sounded disappointed.

Her boss took the phone, "She'll be there." he said in his gruff voice. He knew of Nicki's dreams and didn't want to keep her from what could potentially be her big break. He gave the phone back to her.

"Well then. I guess I don't have to work. I'll be there. Where and when?"

"Los Angeles."

"What?! L.A.? I'm way out in New York."

"Well of course we're flying you out, and if you show your skills like you did at the play, you'll definitely be what we're looking for."

"So when is my flight?"

"Two hours."

"Thanks for such a short notice Mr. Drake!"

He chuckled. "You're welcome beautiful. Get packed. A car will be at your house to pick you up in an hour and a half."

"How did you get my information anyway?" she asked suspiciously.

"My aunt of course."

"Oh. I guess that's fine. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"No you'll see me later. Have a safe flight."

"Okay." Nicki ended the call wondering if he was flirting.

She took off her apron and clocked out. Her manager called her into his office.

"Nicki if this doesn't work out for you, which I know it will, my door will always be open to you."

"Thank you." she smiled an gave him a brief hug before leaving.

She went home and pulled out her suitcase that her best friend Safaree had bought for her. They were the same person almost except he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and she wasn't.

One would think that she had been the one born into money with her poised attitude and the way she carried herself versus the always loud always ignorant Safaree. His father had come from a long line of stock brokers and his mother was a Jamaican supermodel.

She just threw stuff into the suitcase, not even caring or paying attention. After she finished with her large suitcase she put her feminine products for her hair, body, and face into the smaller duffel bag along with her under clothes and important things she couldn't leave behind not knowing how long she would be gone.

Nicki left a note to her mother on her counter because her mother came over to water Nicki's plants while she was in school.

She called Safaree and told him to meet her in L.A within the next two days and to call her when he arrived.

Before Nicki knew it, a limo pulled in front of her house and honked twice. She made it to the front door and he helped her with her bags.

"Thank you. Drake sent you right?"

"Yes. I'm his bodyguard. My name's Hush."

"Okay. I'm Nicki." Nicki shook his hand and settled in for the ride to the airport.

As soon as she and Hush got on the flight safely, she fell asleep for whole duration of the six hour flight. It was late when they got to L.A but Nicki wasnt tired.

Hush escorted her to her hotel room at The Omni and stayed until she got settled in.

"Why does Drake have a bodyguard?"

"You don't know?"

"No...know what?"

"I think he should tell you. I mean I'm his friend and all but it's not my place."

"What do you mean? You can tell me. I mean...he is a movie director right?"

"That's all?"

"No. He has a few business endeavors. Put it this way. His directing is basically money laundering."

"Oh God! He's a drug dealer?"

"No..." he said skeptically as if he was lying, but in a sense, Drake wasn't a drug dealer at all. He supplied the drug dealers with his product and they laundered money through him in return.

"Oh. Okay. I guess.

"Tomorrow morning, be in the lobby at eight."

"Okay and what should I wear?"

"We're just going out to breakfast. After that, your audition and then if you make it, and from what I've heard you will...then we'll give you a week to go over your lines and shoot next Monday."

"Okay. Thanks. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Hush left the room and Nicki went to the shower.

The next morning Nicki nervously dressed in a black casual dress and black red bottom pumps that matched the other nine pair of different colors that Safaree had gotten her for her birthday the year before.

Nicki left her straightened black hair down, and grabbed her purse before leaving the room.

She went downstairs in the lobby and just as promised, Hush was downstairs waiting for her along with two other men.

He shook her hand and reintroduced her to Drake who in turn introduced her to Noah.

They all went for breakfast and after endless questions about herself, Drake pulled her aside for a more private conversation.

"I hope you're as good as you were the other night."

"I don't lose my talent while I'm sleeping." Nicki laughed.

"I sure hope not. Do you know what this could mean for you?" his hazel eyes glowed.

Nicki chuckled, "I'll be eating at Red Lobster instead of working there?"

"You'll be able to buy as many Red Lobster restaurants as you would like."

"What's in it for you?"

"Just doing what I love, getting good feedback makes me proud. Just overall making and being apart of something the people will love."

"Wait...you act?"

"I do a little something here and there but this is my first major role as yours."

"Exactly what is this movie about?"

"A girl who's going through hell, and she ends up falling in love with someone who isn't good for her. It's drama."

"Kinda like the story of my life. Except the in love part."

He laughed. "So you're single?"


"Oh okay." was all he said before smiling and walking off.

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