Chapter 12; The twins

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So the first day of school sucked, I do like my English teacher..and I got to see my besties. But Kyle and Sasha are gonna have twins..are you excited? I am. This chapter takes place 9 months after Sasha finds out she is having And I am sorry about how short the last chapter was.

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I shot awake when a gut wrenching pain struck my abdomen. "Shit, what was that?" I asked to myself. Kyle was still asleep. I gently shook him awake and kissed his forehead. "My stomach is killing me, so I am gonna go watch TV in the living room" I told him, getting out of the bed. The half asleep Kyle nodded his head and went back to sleep. Damn! This really hurts. As I sat down on the couch, the big TV turned on to show my favorite show, "My big fat fabulous life". Just as the show started, a liquid ran between my legs and dripped on the couch. Shit! My water just broke. I got up and changed my bottoms before waking Kyle up. "Baby, the twins are coming". I just loved saying that so much! The twins, the twins, the twins. Kyle's eyes shot open and he leaped out of bed, making my heart nearly beat out of my chest. He quickly grabbed a bag of stuff and we drove to the hospital.

"Your names?" The lady asked. She had blonde hair, way too much makeup on, and she smelt really good. "She's Sasha Carlson and I am Kyle Carlson" he blurted out, startling the woman at the desk. "Okay Mrs. Carlson, this hansom young man will have you sit in the wheelchair and he will take you to your room" The lady said, winking at the nurse standing beside her. They're totally having sex. I sat down in wheelchair and he wheeled me away. We all turned a corner and then entered a purple room. "This is where you will be having your baby..Ms. Meyers will be here in a minute so she can check your stuff" The nurse told us. He left the room and I got on the bed. It was very comfy, and the room was relaxing. After about 30 minutes, a tall and thin lady walked in. "Hello, I'm Nancy Meyers..I will be helping you..but first I need to gather some information".

She took out the blood pressure thingy and wrote down a number after it squeezed my arm. Then she took my temperature, then she checked all of my vital signs. Then she slipped on some latex gloves and rolled a chair over to the edge of the bed. "You might feel some discomfort for a minute..but this is all natural" she told me as she lifted up the hospital gown and placed her hand firmly inside my sex. "U-um" I stuttered, and tensed up. Her eyebrows knotted and she looked where her hand was placed. "You are about...6 centimeters..It won't be long before you have to deliver". She pulled her hand out and shook the latex gloves off before washing her hands. When she left the room, Kyle kissed my forehead and sat down in the chair next to me. "I feel kind of violated" I joked with Kyle. He kissed my hand, "They should have let me do it..of course I am a proffesional in that area". I laughed at his sexual humor and set my head back down on the pillow.

As I was just about to fall asleep, a very huge pain came back in my abdomen. "Ah..what the fuck?" I yelped. Kyle got up and held my hand. "What's wrong?" he asked. I shook my head and put my head back down. About 20 minutes later, the same nurse walked in. "Hello again" she said, slipping some gloves on. Great, I have to do this again? As she slipped her hand back in..the gut wrenching pain came back. I moaned in pain and threw my head back. "Are you okay?" The nurse asked me. Her and Kyle were staring at me. "Yeah..about every half hour, this really painful feeling shoots up and down my abdomen." I explained. Her eyes widened, "You must be pretty new at this..those are contractions" she explained to me. She had no idea that I was unconscious when I had Naveah, so I don't really know much. "Oh..I didn't think they hurt that much". She slipped her hand back into me and moved it around. "I would say about 8 centimeters..your baby should be really easy to deliver". Kyle corrected her and said 'babies'. "Really? That's so cool..I actually have an identical twin".

30 minutes later, she came back in and repeated her routine. "Great! You are 10 centimeters..ready to deliver?" She asked. I nervously nodded my head and gulped. A huge crew of people came in and set up. "Okay, I need you to put your feet up here" The nurse said, pulling my feet up to these weird medal pedal looking things. I guess it was suppose to help me hold my legs open. After setting my feet up, she told me to start pushing. I followed her directions and gave a huge push. Then another. "The baby's head is crowding" she yelled. I gave another push. "We got shoulders". Then another push. "And we have 1 baby" everyone cheered. Kyle kissed my hand and held tight. "We need you to push like that again for this other one". I gave a really big push. "'s crowding". Another big push. "Shoulders". Then I gave one last huge push and the sound of two babies crying filled the room. The babies and I were cleaned up and then they handed me the girl and Kyle the boy. "What should we name them?" I asked Kyle. He shook his head and kissed our babies. "How about Natalie and Niall" Kyle suggested. I cried and nodded my head. "I love you". Kyle looked up, "I love you too".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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