16 and having twins!

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Chapter 1


I sat clutching my swollen belly as I waited for the results to be revealed. My back was firm against the bathroom door and my legs were close to my chest. One emotion flooded me - nervousness. There was a possibility that I, Anna Melissa Ray, am pregnant. At sixteen. The timer sounded, signalling the five minutes waiting time was up. The tests had processed the result. Shakily, I picked up the first test.


The second test.


The third test.


I'm screwed. My parents are well known entrepreneurs. How can I face the world, knowing that I've ruined my parents name. How can they face the press knowing its my doing. How can I tell them? They'll hate me. I'll be a bad influence on Bradley, Caitlin and Davey. Unscathed by the tears flooding my face, I let them fall as I thought about my future. I had no future.

"Anna, you alright?" my mum asked, knocking on the bathroom door. The sound of her voice shocked me and I jumped, the tests clattering to the floor. "What was that? Don't tell me your at it again, we discussed this. You have a counsellor, you don't need to self harm, you're happy, you can talk to me," and jumped to conclusions - luckily the wrong conclusions.

"What? No, mum! I feel sick, I was vomiting and that was my phone... it fell out of my, uh, pocket," I lied unconvincingly. Fortunately, she believed me.

"Okay dear, I was only asking, it's just that I need you to get Caitlin ready - remember, there's the charity evening tonight, The Bluebell Woodlands, your fathers the ambassador so we have to be there," mum informed.

"Okay, I'll get Caitlin ready," I replied.

"Thanks love,"she yelled as she returned downstairs.

Shoving the tests in the bin, I covered them and decided upon keeping one - to put in my scrapbook, if I decide to keep the baby. I opened the door quietly and fled to my room, preparing to hide the pregnancy test that I was keeping.

"Caitlin, dyou want a bath?" I asked, as I hid the test.

"Yes please, actually, I'll have a shower," she replied. I ran the shower for her and collected a few necessities, my moisturiser, cleanser and toner, makeup and hair supplies. "Thanks," she grinned, toothless, as she skipped past, clad in a fairy tutu waving her wand.

"It's okay," I whispered in reply as a wave of nausea hit. I swallowed it back and took a swig of my water.

"What dress are you wearing?" Caitlin asked as she came out of the shower, her Princess Cinderella towel wrapped around her body. For an eight year old she's into fashion, makeup and looking good. Personally, I blame the media and the models.

"I'm wearing my blue one, yknow the one," I smiled, referring to a royal blue dress that's knee length with a shimmering, shiny belt and straps. Its rather low cut, much to my parents dismay, but it looks good.

"Ooh, the pretty one! With your silver heels?" I nodded in reply as I picked up her dress. It's a long, ivory gown with a teal belt, with matching teal flowers along the hem of the dress. There was matching accessories, an ivory flower crown and an ivory pearl necklace. "I like this one!" she announced, hugging her new teal ballet flats to her chest.

"You'll look beautiful baby girl," I smiled, hanging the dress up on the outside of her wardrobe. "Shall I do your hair first, or get dressed first?" I asked.

"Uh, hair, can you curl it?" I nodded and grabbed my curling tongues.

"Beach waves or corkscrew curls?"

"Beach waves," she replied, sitting down by her bed.

"Done," I announced, fluffing up the waves slightly adding volume to the style.

"Thanks Anna!" she grinned happily. She reached for her dress but failed to reach it, so I got it for her. "I'm gonna go get dressed," she said, leaving me alone in the room. Well, not alone. Leaving me and my baby in the room.

"I love you already baby, you were a surprise but a very nice surprise, unexpected but the best surprise ever," I smiled, stroking my tiny bump. Although I'm sixteen and unprepared to be a mother, I love this baby and I know I want to keep him/her.

"You're pregnant?" Caitlin gasped, opening the bathroom door, holding her skirts up.

"No, yeah, don't tell mum," I begged.

"Really? Congrats! An' I wont, she'd go mad," she laughed, hugging me. "Can I feel your belly?" she asked as she placed one hand on my petite bump. "It feels so nice! Imagine when your big and then I can feel the baby kick!" she grinned twirling around, a blur of teal and Ivory.

"I know, now, I'm going to get ready now, remember don't tell mum about my baby, okay," I reminded her as I left the bedroom and returned to my own. "You're gonna be a lucky baby, having an auntie like you'll have," I smiled. Grabbing my dress, I cradled my tiny bump and went into my ensuite to prepare myself for the outing.

A/N: So, guys, one finally edited this book! Well, one chapter is a start! Opinions? It's starting very differently as I decided to add more twists to it! Second chapter coming soon, hopefully!

Opinions?? Comment me your opinions!

Love, Caitlea Xoxox

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