Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


**two months later**

"Babe, c'mere," Matthew whined as I climbed out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom, with my hands cradling my now small, rounded bump - that I could no longer pass off as a bloated stomach or appendicitis. He'd stopped the night, in the flat that my mother had kindly paid for.

"I'm just going to the loo, Hun, I'll be back soon!" I grinned lovingly back at him. Two months down, still going strong. I love him, I really do. Many thought we'd jumped into a relationship, I guess in a way we had, well I had. Although I was prepared to be a single mum, I secretly wanted them to have a father figure and Matthews honestly perfect.

He pouted playfully and flopped down onto the bed, the creaking echoing throughout the rather large room. Locking the door, I sat down and the sight before me shocked me. Blood. A lot of it. "No. Baby. Please. Don't leave me," I cried, alerting Matthews attention.

"Babe. What's wrong? Tell me babe," he begged from outside the room.

"Blood," I wept as my breathing became heightened and heavy. His breath hitched slightly before he opened the door which i'd previously unlocked. He picked me up and pulled my pyjama bottoms up, before running around grabbing a few things, phones etc., and leaving the flat and carting me off to the hospital - pyjamas in tack. I sat beside him, my face red with emotion, as I cradled my bump, my baby.

"My girlfriend, she's bleeding. She's pregnant. Help," Matthew panted as I stood beside him still raw with emotion.

"Please sit there and wait for the doctor to call you," the receptionist sighed before typing a few things.

Two hours later, we were still sat there in A&E, wondering the fate of our family. As each minute ticked by, I was becoming more and more anxious about my pregnancy. I wanted this baby, so so much. Matthew may not be the biological father but I know he would do the best he could, at his age - at our age.

'Anna Ray' the doctor called out. Matthew stood up before me, and took my hand to try and comfort me. His other hand quietly wiped a tear away from my eyes. 'If you lay on the bed, I'll go and get the gel,' he smiled glumly at me, as he left the room. I obeyed and climbed on, my top crumpled up above my bump as I lay down, so I rested my hands on my bump lovingly, as Matthew stroked my hand and bump slowly in a soothing manner.

'I love you,' he muttered as he kissed my hand, his eyes grazed my bump as if he had x ray vision. I couldn't lose this baby, not now.

'Back,' the doctor, Sam, called out as he re-entered, grasping a scope and a tube of gel. Matthew and I looked at each other nervously as we watched the screen. 'This will be cold,' Sam informed me as I winced slightly at the temperature change.

'Wow,' Matty gasped as his eyes locked on the screen. 'My baby, our baby,' he whispered, locking his hand with mine

'Baby looks great! Growing healthily. You - miss, have nothing to worry about,' the doctor smiled as he moved the scope around. 'Wait,' he frowned slightly, as the wand paused around the top of my bump.

'What?' I asked, concerned for the well-being of my baby.

'Well, it looks like you're having two babies! Twins,' he grinned. This was big news, that I wasn't expecting. My heart pounded, somehow it was still in my chest, Matthews jaw was practically on the floor.

'Twins...' I murmured as I gazed at the screen. Who knew that a meaningless one night stand could give me something like this. Something so good, so full of joy.

'Would you like to know the sex?' Sam asked as he moved the wand around a bit more. I looked at Matthew, who was still gawping at the screen. I nodded, even though I was concerned about it being slightly too early to tell - I'd read online it was often nearer to five months than four. 'It looks like you're having two baby girls, congratulations!'


Very short I know, I kind of fell out of love with writing and abandoned everything, I apologise profusely.

I'll try and make the next chapters longer, although due to A Levels I can't promise regular updates.

Caitlea xx

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