Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


'Darling, how was your day? Matthew greeted as he entered the flat at about four pm, the next day. He stayed at his parents the previous night due to a family event. He raised his eyebrows slightly as he saw the amount of bags I had scattered around the lounge.

'Great!! I brought some bits for the twins,' I smiled, grabbing some of the bits out of the bags. Mum had given me her bags so this was news for me too.

'Ooh let me see!' Matty grinned in response, grabbing the baby Timbs and his mouth fell into an 'aww.' 'These. Are. Adorable,' Matthew announced, stroking his thumb over the little shoes.

'I know!! How cute!! I brought some denim dungarees to match,' I smiled, grabbing the tiny dungarees with rose gold buckles out of my bag.

'They're both going to look so frickin' cute in those!' He exclaimed, pulling out some other clothes, mainly the baby pink babygros with Baby GAP appliquéd on. 'Have you got a pram yet babe?' He questioned and I shook my head.

'You've not? This receipt says different,' he winked, handing me my mums bill.

'My god. She brought my dream pram!' I cried, bouncing slightly and rubbing my bump. 'You've got a beautiful pram girlies, from grandma,' I whispered as I embraced my bump.

'Shall we go and collect it?' Matty asked as he pulled his shoes on, I nodded excitedly - buzzing to collect my pram. 'Your mum text me to let me know, that she'd bought the pram. She told me to google it and honestly - I love it,' he smiled, walking towards the bus stop. We planned on getting a taxi home, to save us getting on the bus with boxes.

'Eek,' I squeaked as we approached the store and I pointed out the beautiful pram.

'Chloe and Pea will look so damn beautiful in that pram. They'll look like their momma and have her pretty hands and pretty face. Then they'll grow up to be gorgeous individuals. Daddy loves you, okay girlies,' he whispered to my belly, bending down as if speaking to the babies.

'That was beautiful hun, now cmon. I crave a banana milkshake but I wanna get the pram first,' I demanded, pulling him inside the shop. He sighed and rolled his eyes, following me inside. I was demanding. I knew I was. These damn pregnancy hormones were completely screwing me over. The delight. Luckily my beautiful girls were worth it.

'Hey, my mother in law brought a pram earlier. The silver cross wave one?' Matthew smiled at the pretty shop assistant. Jealously filled me. I looped my arm through his, without trying to look too possessive but getting the point across. However, in hindsight the bump probably did just that.

'Hello, yes yes. I'll get the boxes. Would you like us to get it in the car?' The blonde woman, whose name tag stated her name was Emma, asked, rubbing her hands over her black pencil skirt, which emphasised her hourglass figure.  I miss my figure. I wouldn't give my bump up for anyone, of course I wouldn't - but seeing Emma's figure makes me miss mine. Matthew must've sensed my insecurities as he kissed my head softly and whispered something I couldn't quite hear.

'I don't have a car. We're getting a taxi home. So I'll carry it, if that's okay?' He replied, waiting her response. Her face fell slightly, as in she was thinking of an easy way around it.

'Hmm. Would you like us to deliver? Tomorrow morning at 10 is available?' She replied, clicking the keyboard and mouse several times. He looked at me expectantly, as if willing an answer from me. I frowned slightly, but had to accept that this would be easier.

'I guess so,' I replied, my mood instantly lowered. 'We can take the smaller bits though,' I compromised, rubbing my hand down Matts back. Emma nodded and disappeared behind a set of doors, I'm guessing to find our boxes. She soon reappeared holding a few smaller boxes, stacked on top of one another, and a bag.

'Right. Here I have the covers for it and the baby bag,' she told us, handing over the Mothercare bag. I took it from Matthew and opened it slightly, nosily peering inside. The bag was grey with pink flowers on - my mum had chosen that separately I'm guessing. There was a rain cover also in the bag, it was transparent and had a tiny flap, for toys etc. to be handed through. 'Here's the carriers and the under baskets as well as a few other necessities, of which I can't pronounce,' she laughed obnoxiously.

'Thank you, see you at ten tomorrow,' he replied, taking the boxes from her. Emma's hand lingered on his and I'd clocked it. The possessiveness within me made an outcry for attention as I hugged Matthew and made it known that we were together and happy, by rubbing my hand down his chest and left it laying on his crotch. I was having children who he'd bring up as his own. 'Anna! What the fuck was that?' He fumed as we exited the shop. 'The girl was being friendly, yet you go and publicly make it known that you can be possessive as fuck,' he practically yelled.

'She was flirting,' I pouted, realising my behaviour was totally unrealistic and I felt ashamed.

' If you looked closely, you would've clocked the stunner on her ring finger,' he snapped as he stalked off, leaving me. This left me feeling rather stupid. Why would she be flirting, if she's engaged. I waddled begins him, the bag and my bump weighing me down.

'Matthew,' I cried, clutching my bump as I was bent double with a pain running through my bump. 'Please. Babe. I think they're coming,' I cried, I was desperate for him to acknowledge me - and not leave me here in labour, in the middle of a street. He turned around, concern etched across his chiselled face. He ran to me, and placed the boxes at my feet.

'Are you okay? What's up?' He asked, hugging me. 'I'm sorry for snapping,' he apologised, even though it should've been me apologising. The pain eased up and I felt like I had the strength to continue.

'It's eased off now,' I replied, trying to walk a few steps. 'Can we call a cab?' I asked, knowing that walking wouldn't be a sensible idea. He nodded and grabbed his phone from his jean pocket.

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